Covered 365: Day 271

Four Color #271, Eastern Comics, March 1950, Artist: Roger Armstrong.

You feel good and not sure why? It’s most likely because you are looking at the wonderfully drawn Roger Armstrong cover to Four Color #271.

How can I not include one of the classic innuendo covers? Archie Comics #271 is a tough book to snag, at a bargain anyway, because too many hard-up guys that read way too much into stuff want copies… Anybody have a spare?

Dan Spiegle is another one of those artists I knew next to nothing about before this exercise. I really like his work, check out his cover to Blackhawk #271.

The Rosie the Riveter homage worked yesterday for Betty and Veronica but today’s Marilyn Monroe homage falls short, better luck next time Mr. Shultz.

Superman #271 is included just to make Chris Meli happy.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1834


  1. Sorry Water, your HOM pick yesterday was just bad art and cliched, too. Any of the other picks was better and I liked them all.

    Today’s a better choice I can live with. Those “adventure” Four Color covers (Bugs, Porky, Ducks) are great, like this one.

    The Blackhawk is outstanding. Superman’s been done before but still kind of fun. But I hate the Betty and Veronica. The faces look like mirror images of one another…too cartoony, not individualistic like Don DeCarlo might do. And frankly, the sexiness is a little over the top for my vision of Betty and Veronica. Cartoony faces but overly realistic bodies and theme. For me, a bad mix with little real charm.

  2. Love the Four Color and also like the Meli…errr I mean the Superman cover! Once I figured out the Blackhawk, I liked that as well. Betty snd Veronica… even with yesterdays, I still do not care fore the digital airbrush look. The other Archie is flat with a gag that was used so many times it fails to even make me smile.
    Oh, and if your at the convention have a great time Walt and company!

  3. Betty and Veronica look creepy, like Stepford Marilyns.

    The Archie beach scene covers are more blatant, not innuendo or double entendre at all. No, I don’t have them, they show up when I’m looking through ebay seller listings. Honest!

    Like the Blackhawk a lot and even the over the top skeleton one a couple of days ago though it didn’t have our hero in it directly. I was born too late but I do have a liking for 1930-40’s era art characters and homages.

  4. I am ruining my reputation by missing that Superman. The pick is a retread as I commented yesterday, otherwise pleasant. I don’t get the consensus on the Blackhawk, it is just a jumble to me. Tim has it right on the Betty and Veronica, a travesty.

    Finally an actually great cover in Marvel Tales #272 for tomorrow. Lim is inconsistent but he nails this one. I hate to give a nod to Al Milgrom, but Incredible Hulk is my runner up, I was just looking at a shark meme with the same theme as this cover.

    Other good ones:
    – Batman is kind of hokey but fun
    – Blackhawk is nicely done but the theme has been used before
    – Captain America is well drawn and a good companion for Four Color #272
    – Donald Duck is a colorful and pleasant funny animal cover
    – X-Men is a standing around cover but it is a Jim Lee X-Men, hard to go wrong with that

    Adventure is a prototype Transformer cover, best get one of those.

    JOWA to ASM, but given Rocket Racer, I’d venture that Walt will be picking this one as Undervalued.

  5. Gonna give a ‘bah’ to today’s picks. All of them. Hellblazer would have been nice to see, but these are generally not so hot. Better Looney Tunes covers have gone by than this and didn’t hit the radar. I agree with Meli on the Blackhawk, it’s a ‘hot mess’ in a not-good way.
    Let’s see if redemption can be found in the covers of 272. Captain America by Zeck gets top honors from me. Can’t beat that composition.
    Runner’s up would be Marvel Tales by Lim, Uncanny X-Men by Lee, X-Men Legacy by ???, and Thor finally gets a good cover by Buscema after a long run of ‘meh’. Hulk is alright, you can either view it like the progressively larger fish eating the next, OR, as I like to see it sans the required
    word balloons, “GROUP HUGGG!!!” and/or “DOG PILE!!”
    JOWA goes to any DC comic you choose. There is no wrong answer, but for me it’s the phallic World’s Finest with Bats riding the FoS key.
    WWWP? One shudder’s to contemplate~

  6. All I see here is Porky Pig teaming up with Sylvester the cat..When the heck did that happen?
    suffering succotash Walt,,,maybe this should be your pick for Undervalued spotlight…

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