Covered 365: Day 268

Daredevil #268, Marvel Comics, July 1989, Artist: John Romita Jr.

Yikes, my Mama told me there’d be days like this. Please don’t take offence but a little dark humour is in order here, the only cover that spoke to me today was John Romita Jr’s Daredevil #268, for obvious reasons. Luckily the moment faded as I know the sun will come out tomorrow and illuminate a beautiful comic cover.

I did get excited by the Fantastic Four #268 until I realized it was a photo cover, gah!

Al Milgrom has got me wanting to know! I like his playful cover to Flash #168.

Jim Lee does nice work on X-Men #268, the only thing the cover has me wondering is – what are they looking at?

You know it’s a bad day when you throw a Sad Sack up even though the cover is missing a blonde. I figured there might be a few dog lovers that follow the column, this one is for you!

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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Gerald Eddy
Gerald Eddy
5 years ago

It is a sad day… if this group… not that I an endorsing any very strongly… I will have to go with the Sad Sack. Does Daredevil have a five o’clock shadow or was the inker simply cleaning his brush?

tim hammell
tim hammell
5 years ago

A silver age comic that has a story with a golden age comic in it, yeah I’d pick the Flash today.

5 years ago

“Great” has become a relative term for the current stage of covers.

But I have always enjoyed the X-Men #268 cover, so full support on that pick.

Also, I appreciated today’s HofM #268 Macbeth cover much more than yesterday’s “Splash” cover.

And Superman #268 with it’s purple background had potential, but was completely overcome by the heavy use of the “whoosh” stripes.

David H
David H
5 years ago

This is not necessarily the best Daredevil cover, but I really like this run and always thought that Al Williamson was the perfect inker for JRJR. I’ve never really liked this X-Men cover, although it has its fans. Jim Lee’s anatomy is almost as off as a Leifield, even hiding the feet!

Gerald Eddy
Gerald Eddy
5 years ago

Its really a problem with Imaging…. errr I meant posturing David!

Chris Meli
5 years ago

The DD certainly is fitting (and not awful), and Sad Sack is also fitting both in the title and number of dogs for the day. (Also agree with David H that Williamson’s inks on the DD are good.)

I really wanted to mention The Flash but it is just not a great cover (not even really a good cover). Most self-referential covers are nevertheless attractive.

I agree with Derrick that the HoM for today’s number seemed better than yesterday’s pick, but too languid to be a pick.

Tomorrow not much better but I will go with Blackhawk for its sheer over-the-top goofy evil. Like the previous day’s cover this appears to be something of a homage, this time to some of the crazy WW II covers.

Lee’s Uncanny X-Men is runner up and I will not be at all surprised if it gets the pick. More polished art, but more conventional.

Donald Duck is good for a funny animal covers, and Betty and Veronica 2 69 is particularly intriguing.

Wonder Woman is particularly topical. Maybe she just ran into Donald and Boris. As those folks have displaced my morning coffee cart, I am with her.

Tomorrow is a good day to be a JOWA judge. Let’s start with Marvel Tales – before anybody waxes poetic about Ron Lim, have a look at this, particularly the gentleman (gentlething?) on the left. Captain America gives us Team America World Police Knievel. (Terrible to not have mind etc.) Colin MacNeil’s repetition of this Conan face is certainly in the mix. Flash comes in as last runner-up, with House of Mystery’s “Blood on the Grooves!” the clear winner.

5 years ago

YES! That Sad Sack is very Sergio-like! However even Groo had a more clean and detailed line to it. I must say I did like the DD, but it was just too simplistic for this exercise. I too am interested in the Golden Age comic caper in the Flash, but the cover…..not so much. Glad to see the Uncanny cover made it into the grouping.
Day 269 finds my tastes veering toward X-Men Legacy with it’s nice Ms. Marvel ‘cover tear’ entrance by Mark Brooks.
Ironically I also like Uncanny X-Men with a less healthy version of Ms. Marvel by Jim Lee. Hellblazer by Simon Bisley is actually quite nice. Captain America is campy as hell, but I like it. Daredevil is alright, as is the Rosie the Riveter variant on Betty and Veronica.
JOWA to Superman for it’s 8 ways to kill Supes, but only 3 ways to hang him by a rope apparently 😀