Marvel Tales #266, Marvel Comics, October 1982, Artist: Ron Lim.
The thing that struck me about Ron Lim’s cover to Marvel Tales #266 was the way he drew Spider-Man, that’s my Spider-Man! That’s the way I like him drawn.
Dick Giordano’s cover to Batman #266 looks better in person, I had a nice tight copy recently and the thing just popped!
I love the visual effect John Romita Jr. gets on the cover of Iron Man #266.
Streaky and Krypto and Supergirl and Superman all on the same cover? Gold Jerry! Curt Swan’s cover to Action Comics #266 has always been a fan favourite.
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Thank you, Walt, for choosing a really well done Spidey image from Marvel Tales to distract us from the travesty being perpetrated on the cover of Amazing Spider-Man #266.
I also liked both the Batman and Action Comics covers. However, I was leaning more toward Detective Comics #266 and Superman #266.
Detective presents a great golden age image of the Batmobile (with white wall tires!), and the attack of the Telestar satellite fits perfectly.
I have always liked the cover image on Superman #266, and it contains the one hook that could raise my interest in a Superman comic – the possibility of a foe he couldn’t simply overpower.
I am on board with the pick but not with the runners up. You might have gotten me with the Batman if it weren’t for the banner at the top. Compare these bannered, UPC-ed covers with those from the sixties and have a cry.
The choices for #267 are the worst yet. I have no possible pick. Many tired mediocre covers.
Thor is quite timely (not Timely). Hulk at least has a nice rainbow so maybe you are going to pick that.
Not even a solid JOWA but at least there are candidates. Bat-Mite is probably a JOWA but well known and repellent. Captain America’s “Introducing the threat of: Everyman!” would seem to be a shoo-in, but ASM wins as it follows up #266 with “When commeth… The Commuter!” Imagine picking this up off the rack and being told that in 2019 one of the biggest entertainment news items of 2019 would be the acrimonious split between Disney/Fox and Sony over this guy. Crazy.
See the way Curt Swan draws Streaky, Krypto and Supergirl Walt? Thats my Supercat , Superdog and Supergirl. I get it 🙂
I like the covers selected Walt, but I think I would have to see the Batman in person to so how those colors pop. That Krypto beats the heck out if that Batman mongrel from a few days ago!
Well I got as far as Hamilton… but no phone service including my GPS and bad info from a pedestrian caused me to give up before my wife blew a gasket! Next time I will print out the info and directions ahead of time…
ASM #266 is a terrible cover, that was a soft patch for the title for sure.
Gerald !! Gah! I know a nice German Deli that makes a mean schnitzel with loads of sour kraut – my treat. Next time!!
I get it Dave, I get it. Hey I mentioned a few days ago that Dave was a Hand Model. I remember him telling me about his 1st Hand Job, this guy selling leather work gloves gave it to him.
Mmmm… I love schnitzel….!
I have to say, I do like the choices other than Batman. Ron Lim has been a under-utilized artist for a long time. I have his original foray into comics still, the Ex-Mutants, and he showed great potential even then. But I digress.
Covered 267 finds me liking the Fiona Staples variant of Betty and Veronica for top spot.
Runner’s up would be Captain America, Every Man sucks but Zeck’s art is undeniable. Marvel Tales benefits from another Ron Lim cover, Daredevil is good, as is Donald Duck with it’s very original style art that harkens back to the early days of Donald’s appearance. HoM is nice but too much blue with no contrasting muddies the water.(no pun intended)
JOWA goes to Four Color for the title alone, though the art is nice. Runner up would have to be World’s Finest. No gravity? Well Superman defies gravity by flying, and yet he’s being tugged away as well. Just dumb.
Oh… you better not let Dave model anything without Meli giving it the once over………we would never hear the end of it!