Kid Colt Outlaw #229, Marvel Comics, April 1979. Artist: Gene Colan.
Now that’s more like it, two rough and tumble cowboys smashing through the window of some two-bit saloon that sells watered-down whiskey. Gene Colan gives us one of the best renderings of Kid Colt and Rawhide Kid together.
I like that Ron Wilson gets 100% committed to giving us that classic Thor pose on Thor #229.
Mickey Mouse #229’s cover is very well done and as a bonus, I get to type out and say Daan Jippes!
Wonder Woman is in tight on cover #229, this cover has always sold well out of the bins.
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

That’s a fun group of covers. The Thor homage seems a bit lame, but it is still kind of an early book, just .25 cover price, and it has that old-style Marvel coloring which is neat. So guess I can live with it.
Mickey is a good one, I’ve noticed it before, Gladstone did some excellent covers back then.
Even Wonder Woman has all the elements, some I needn’t mention, plus (seemingly?) a robot cover, always fun, and mini-swastikas on a mini-rocket! Its cool, but then thinking about it, it is interesting how such a little symbol of an evil cause has such a huge association even today, on vintage comics covers or anywhere else…
I just recently found a copy of a very neat Disney kid’s moveable book, The Victory March, from 1942…the Big Bad Wolf and his cohorts are wearing NAZI ARMBANDS as they try to break up a parade of Disney characters! SO WEIRD. 5000 years old, “swastika” meant “health, luck, success.” The cover of Amazing Man #22 has gorilla-type monsters with swastika HEAD BANDS!
While I am a Colan fan the inker really used a heavy hand on Kid Colt cover. The Thor is simply too pedestrian for my tastes. The Disney is good but I am not sure how original it is since it looks SO much like a scene from an early movie. My favorite is Wonder Woman… it is retro and well done! I am wondering tho… our heroine is already in chains… now the villian wants to also rocket her world??
What Gerald said.
#230 a little better. I will go with Batman although it doesn’t do very well against my criteria. It is however a very cool Adams period cover and it beats everything else that I saw.
Next are the two Wilson/Layton covers, Captain America and Incredible Hulk. I really dig the art by this team and these covers in particular. Finally I like Superman – lots of good stuff going on here and the more I look at it the more I am willing to put it neck-and-neck with Batman.
As tiresome as it might be to hear it again, the JOWA goes to Blackhawk. I think I have to get a copy of this one.
Not a fan of westerns in general, and this is a suicide cover if ever I’ve seen one. WW I saw and thought near JOWA, especially as Gerald said. She’s chained up, and the bot built a chamber to shoot missiles at her while he sits behind glass right next to it?! Just ridiculous. Glad I got the MM right.
For 230 I can see Meli’s favoring Batman, though Adams clearly doesn’t know how to draw a person on a motorcycle. They must be riding on the gas tanks! Personally I prefer the Amazing Spiderman cover by John Romita JR. A classic cover for me. Captain America is good too, but Hulk’s thumb is just way out of place. Come on Walt, give it so ASM 😛 WWWP?