Covered 365: Day 22

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Day 22 – Spirit, Artist – Will Eisner.

Classic. Stunning. One of the pillars of the GGA genre.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1845


  1. Great choice, I agree. Been looking for a Fine copy (at a reasonable price) of this for years, still eluding me. I think I owned one and let it slip away back in the seventies when I “thinned out” my Quality collection. But have filled nearly all my runs since then. Quality was my first, and for many years favorite, Golden Age publisher.

    I thought Kitchen Sink did a fine high-quality print of it signed by Eisner, but I sure can’t find it now on the net to confirm this. The last issues of the Quality run like this one, where Eisner himself created new original covers, are all amazing. Looks like he started with #12. But he did all Spirit femme fatales on the last three issues, #20-22. Here is a gallery of them on Grand Comics Database. h

    The Mile High copy in 9.6 sold on the Heritage site in 2011 for $25,000.

  2. That’s the one, Chris. Thank you. I should have thought to look at ol’ Heritage. I visited Denis Kitchen last August with Craig Yoe. Porpped up against his file drawers in his office, first of many amazing items, was the original art splash page with one of girls, from one of the Spirit sections, that I think these covers were based on. Didn’t snap a picture, sadly! Denis is Eisner’s estate agent, and ended up with his Spirit section file copies and much more, that we can scarcely imagine.

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