Covered 365: Day 205

Four Color #205, Eastern Color, December 1948. Artist: Morris Gollub.

I’ve never been more afraid to pick a cover! To be true to the project I had to go with the best cover and that is Morris Gollub’s exquisite rendering on Four Color #205.

Thor #205 is a worthy runner up, fantastic work from Gil Kane and a jet black background that would make high grade copies things of beauty.

Barry Windsor-Smith gives us a great cover for X-Men #205, this book has always been an easy sell out of the bins thanks to the cover.

No denying House of Mystery #205, I love covers like this from this era almost like the sepia tone movies from Hammer studios from the same time period.

Wonder Woman #205 has always been an eye-catching cover. As for Captain America #205, I don’t think its that bad, better than the over the top #193 in my mind.

Say, let me float this out there. This little column has been constantly morphing and evolving. Post #1 is way different than post #100 and post #200 is way different than post #100. We’re evolving naturally thanks to this small community we’ve created.

I’ve been thinking for a good two weeks about asking you guys to reserve days in the future and send me an email with your top 4 books of the day? I’d get all the picks and do the post but could flag it at the top as – today we have so and so picking these covers. My thought is that this is turned into a collaborative effort so let’s keep it moving that way.


I love this post and don’t mind at all running the table for the year but…Let me know.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852


  1. Sort of bad timing since it’s the middle of summer but no doubt about it…………the Santa Claus cover wins.

  2. If the last cover was a boring opera, this one is a good polka. I can appreciate the skill but that doesn’t mean I want to hear (see) it.

    Actually I did notice this cover and I even considered it. As these kinds of covers go it is a good one, so you don’t have to worry about full attack mode from me. But it fails on my “tells a story” test big time. Yes Santa has elves and has to get ready for Christmas, nothing new there. Santa looking concerned about a hole in his bag or something, now there’s some story element. I don’t need a superhero, but I do need something beyond an amusing image, no matter how well executed.

    I thought hard about X-Men but it is a lying around cover. With the mask we don’t have to confront a “Smith face”, and the baroque detail is cool.

    I am happy to email suggestions in advance. Recently I have been keeping up with this but that approach would inspire further diligence.

    #206 is pretty rough. I don’t think there is any truly great cover but I love Action regardless of the fake news. Otherwise no runners-up.

    Blackhawk gives us the inspiration for World’s Finest #195, coming five years before it with the same lovely “dig your own grave” theme. You would have to be a serious glutton for punishment to collect this Blackhawk run. I don’t think anybody paying up for that first Lady Blackhawk is aware of the company that they are keeping.

    Famous Funnies is particularly brutal. Given the perspective, is this intended to give you empathy for The Enemy?

    Adventure is weird but the JOWA clearly goes to Flash, which is one of the worst Adams covers on record (at least pre-1985). The premise is weird enough but look at her face. (Although I guess it is difficult to determine the appropriate expression to depict on an immortal – not invulnerable, mind you – person’s face as it hits the street after they’ve hurled themselves from an airplane.)

  3. I think this is another good grouping Walt! Chris can’t see the story in the Four Color… but its the elves readying Santa for his appointed rounds… gosh… doesn’t that leave you with breathless anticipation??

    Chris’s JOWA for tomorrow is right on… what woman would ruin her appearance by slamming herself into the ground?!

    I like this format thats been established Walt. Some agreement, some disagreement! I always check back to see the responses and reading the column is one of the highlights of my day! I know you all must think I live a really boring life… but I have almost no-one to talk comics with!

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