Covered 365: Day 195

House of Mystery #195, DC Comics, October 1971. Artist: Bernie Wrightson.

Bernie Wrightson lights it up on House of Mystery #195, scary, heavy use of shadow that can trick you on 1st glance but no question this is amazing art.

Adam Hughes redeems himself by stepping away from the T and A and giving us a very unique Wonder Woman cover on issue #195.

Young Romance #195! I’d read the book that this guy writes! Nasty stuff going happens on these Romance covers, I don’t know what’s nastier the House of Mystery cover or the Young Romances cover!

What the heck is it with World’s Finest, terrible covers.

I spotted the Famous Funnies but what the cover needed was the girls to be at the fore and the fellas way back there working things out among themselves

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1835


  1. I think it was close and the Wrightson sure is a classic.

    I think this exercise is clearly furthering the hobby in my family. Their success in lining up with the Overstreet Advisor and Schuster Award winner has them interested in contributing further. When they start complaining about my settling for cream to off-white, I am getting a different hobby.

    We have a consensus for #196 which is Our Army At War. Maybe some politics is coming into this pick but I still think it is a very powerful cover. Kubert’s forte was anguished soldiers (not feet), and here we have the quintessential soldier showcased.

    Otherwise #196 no match for the past couple days. ASM is a cool composition but the art is pretty simple. Avengers it a cool poster cover but that’s about it. House of Mystery is very good and creepy. Jughead is my kind of one-panel joke cover. Spawn is amazing work but too gratuitously gory.

    As John Cleese would say, “Whatever you do, don’t mention Wonder Woman!” Put that together with Betty and Veronica (from the same one year period) and this is not a JOWA but “comic publisher’s tin ear award”.

  2. Love the Wrightson and have always loved his work! YES… finally an Adam Hughes that doesn’t look like a scene from a gentlemen’s club!

    Chris, your family wants you to grade UP? Mine wants me to quit altogether! Unfortunately in a few short years I may just have to sell off my collection with much anguish… but for now I am continuing to collect mid to lower grade raw comics as seeing them makes me happy and its what I can afford! As for tomorrows pick… that Kubert Our Army at War is a nice pick. There will be plenty to pick from as well later on as Kubert and Heath did some amazing work on the war titles in the 70’s as well!

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