Covered 365: Day 190

House of Mystery #190, DC Comics, February 1971. Artist: Neal Adams.

Even the small top left title logo and associated image are awesome, House of Mystery #190 is a fun cover to look at. Neal Adams in full flight.

Amazing Spider-Man #190 by Keith Pollard is a classic battle cover that always generates excitement and demand and Pollard did some great work here.

Check out the fine artistic effort Joe Kubert gives us on Our Army at War #190, the thing is that today the cover is kind of cringe worthy, did not age well.

Lots of great options today, I liked Four Color #190, Wonder Woman #190 1st series), Flash #190 was good and I liked Millers effort on Daredevil #190.

Rainbow alert on Hulk #190 and proof that there is such a thing as too much Kirby Krackle lies on the cover of Captain America #190.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1844


  1. Yeah, that Our Army At War cover is ridiculous. Everyone that is shooting has a great big maniacal smile. The driver is grimacing because he can’t see the dang road. “Hood Ornament” guy is definitely a goner. I don’t care for horror titles, and the art is typical ‘shadowy foreground/background’ or both. I’ll give it ‘props’ for trying something different with the title boxing. I’ll take a ‘poster’ cover any day.

  2. Great choices, Walt. It is a tall task to challenge any of the House of Mystery Adams’ covers, but Amazing Spider-Man #190 but up a valiant effort by offering a really great action cover from a unique perspective.

    – HULK #190 was a sensational cover, if you could just eliminate the entire right (rainbow) side of the cover.

    – Thor #190 delivers again.

    – I am big fan of the Penguin cover on Batman #190.

    – And as a car guy, I really liked Adventure Comics #190.

    – Spectacular Spider-Man #190 could have been a great with better inking and color, but that title suffered those deficiencies for many years.

    There was also an ample supply of JOWA nominees including another starfish JLA cover (maybe worse than yesterday’s), a pied piper cover on Superboy #190, and a really terrible concept cover on World’s Finest #190. And a special mention for Superman #190 for its lack of quality – it looks as if the entire proportions of Superman are way off – short legs, small head, large torso – and the villains only seem partly complete. Hard to believe that cover met the standard for the “world’s best selling comics magazine”.

  3. As much as I would prefer to own the House of Mystery over the ASM, I think the ASM still takes the crown as best _comic book_ cover.

    “Flash #190 was good”???? We part ways there. By contrast I don’t get all the carping about Kubert’s OOAW #190. The jeep is bursting through the cover of a comic book, why do we need some sort of reality check?

    Yes I kind of liked Captain America #190 but then the krackle gave me a headache.

    Luckily for #191 we have yet another Adams House of Mystery to pick – otherwise nothing that would make my cut. Avengers is a good but not great cover.

    Batman is good JOWA material but it can’t beat Young Romance, which is fundamentally disturbing, especially the look on the guy’s face. If she really takes that wig off, she’s toast.

    A special recognition to Laugh, which reflects on our current undertaking.

  4. I wish I could see more of the covers you’re talking about… “Spooky art” tends to have formulas too, though it’s a nice Adams drawing not sure I’d pick it up. I have no words for Our Army At War, was this the 1970’s? It does sort of have an over-the-top WW2 comic vibe.

  5. Maybe Mademoiselle Marie and the gang were shooting at empty SPAM cans to celebrate winning the war, why else would they be having such a gay old time.

    And I agree with the poorly drawn Superman Derrick, deadlines can be a bitch sometimes.

  6. geeez guys…lighten up. take a look at Peter Jackson’s THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD World War 1 movie. The guys are yucking it up in a living hell. Jokes,smiles and fun amidst hell. and pathos of course. But it was all there and very real. My Grand father, Hugh A Mclaughlin served there and loved it and the company of his comrades. So much so, he joined up again in WW11. He continued going to the barracks and visiting the lads until he died in 1967. No lover of killing anyone. But up for a good cause.He was wounded, gassed and endured rotting flesh and much more. Its amazing what a person can endure, and how they do so, when required. And in the bigger picture, DC big four war comics probably reflected real life ,as it was, and the human condition, closer, then any superhero,funny animal or horror book ever did.

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