Flash #174, DC Comics, November 1967, Artist: Carmine Infantino.
I know it’s just a bunch of really tall letters that spell FLASH but I’ve always loved Flash #174, it gets me thinking of all those great Will Eisner SPIRIT covers.
Wonder Woman #174 should have won the day, I mean all those beautiful ladies flying everywhere but I’m finding Wonder Woman the least attractive of the bunch.
Dave commented on yesterday’s post that he really liked Tarzan #174, I had a look expecting to boo hoo it but guess what, I kind of like it!
House of Mystery #174 signals the change over to that Gothic horror stuff DC does so well, expect some HOMers in the coming days.
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

That Flash cover is definitely an homage to Eisner who no kids at the time would have remembered…. that tricky Carmine!
Sheesh… is that the Homecoming Game at Themyscira U. on the cover of Wonder Woman… somehow I would have thought they played Lacrosse rather then tackling for the old pigskin!
I am still liking that painted cover on the Tarzan tho! The cover artist is George Wilson most likely who did illustrations fir pulps and mens magazines as well Dell comics including Turock, Space Family Robinson, Phantom, and on and on!
Your Flash cover is a great pick. Yes, indeed, surely inspired by Eisner’s brilliant use of splash page lettering. He also did this and also inspired this in many of the early superhero stories in many of the Quality group titles like Police, Military, Uncle Sam, etc.
Once again, a great “rogue’s gallery” of Flash’s colorful villains.
Thumbs down for the Tarzan…Tarzan himself is just wooden; the cover concept is good but it falls apart for me when Tarzan looks so stiff.
Wonder Woman playing football, at least here, just seems silly. In the 1940s DC did dozens of sports-themed covers, albeit as generic humorous pieces. WW, Green Lantern and the Flash appear in football cover on Comic Cavalcade #8 but its pretty lame. The track race on Comic Cavalcade #1 is much better.
Superman, Batman and Robin played baseball on World’s Finest #3 and 15, basketball on #21, tennis on #25, had their own track race on #29, rode bumper cars on #34 (one of my favorites), went surfing on #36. No football cover for them, but they got cheerleading instruction on #55!?
Both titles, Comic Cavalcade and World’s Finest, had generic but often wonderful covers all through the forties. As mentioned in an earlier column here, their holiday- and Christmas-themed covers were often classics. Sensation Comics #38, with Wonder Woman as Santa Claus atop a chimney, with a gunman peering around the corner, is one of my favorites…we used it for our company Christmas card last year.
Oh come on Bud… ant men and a babe in a green fur bikini ( what animal was that?) whats not to like. Also I hope Diana’s brackets are in top notch condition… she seems oblivious that gunman in the Christmas issue!!
I have loved this Flash cover ever since I saw it in a reprinted ad for the book when I was about eight.
Not set up to review well as traveling but it’s clear that 175 is all about Adams. House of Mystery, Superboy, World’s Finest all at the top of the heap. My favorite is World’s Finest.