Covered 365: Day 143

Adventure Comics #143, DC Comics, August 1949 – Artist: John Sikela.

I’m not even sure why this cover works so well but it really draws me in. I’m not familiar with John Sikela as an artist but this cover has made me a fan.

Action Comics #143 is really a Lois Lane cover, no wonder they had to give her her own title. I like Kid Colt Outlaw #143, great use of color.

Bruce Lee’s Enter the Dragon came out in the Fall of 1973 with that classic room of mirrors battle scene at the end, my bet is Jay Scott Pike went to see the film and loved that mirror scene because he drew Falling in Love #143 for the November 1973 issue (I included the pic below).

Unexpected #143, is that Chucky’s dad? And yes Scooby #143, the Hillary variant!

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1848


  1. Have to agree that #143 presented a very limited field of candidates, but I think you made the best choice because there is a immediate and strong appeal to this cover. I am always surprised to see how Golden Age Superboy covers seem to covey a much better sense of movement and athleticism than the adult versions of Superman offered in either Action or Superman covers of a similar time.

  2. I thought this cover wouldn’t make the list but I do like this cover and its an issue I picked up in lower grade a few months ago. As with a lot of the Worlds Finest covers of the same period it has a fresh and light hearted optimism that reflects the world after a number or years of war!

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