Amazing Spider-Man #141, Marvel Comics, February 1975 – Artist: John Romita.
You guys snubbed me on Day 139 for a cover featuring Scooby’s villains well I’m here to redeem myself with a great John Romita Spidey cover featuring a nice array of villains.
I love the softness of those well done Funny Animal covers and Four Color #141 is a great example of a beautiful cover. Invisible large hand alert on Forbidden Worlds #141.
Mom and daughter competing again on Girls’ Romances #141 and that JLA #141 looks like an X-Men Sentinels cover.
Second place today went to George Perez’s Green Lantern #141.
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

As soon as I saw it I knew it was to make up for The Scoob…and it does!
Well done. Have always loved this cover.
GL 141 is a nice one too but you had that as an Undervalued Spotlight pick a while back and I like that you aren’t going back to the same well for your cover choices.
Outstanding! I was a day late with comment of support for Scooby’s rogues gallery cover, but I am with you again on this selection, Walt. I have always enjoyed a multiple villain cover, and nothing better than a roster of Spider-Man bad guys.
Avengers #141 also had a great cover with the bad guys and good guys preparing to square off. And something has to be said for any comic book that has Don Rickles on the cover like Jimmy Olsen #141.
Who’da thought Scooby Doo would be so divisive!!!
This was the best of the best today fellas that’s for sure. I know Doc Oc’s tentacles hog a lot of cover space but sliding in Electro or even Man-Wolf would have been nice.
I have no idea why I didn’t note the Don Rickles cover, its always been a bit of a novelty.
“See what does Spider-Man does when he meets five super-villains in a smoke-filled room!” I don’t know if I agree with the direction this feature is taking. I guess with all of the spandex it was only a matter of time.
I will try to stay with the theme to some degree but still bring things back to family-friendly by picking Adventure #142. This is a classical cover but I still dig it. My other choices were ASM, Superboy and Thor, but I didn’t see anything that was a real standout.
I can’t figure out what is going on on the cover of Falling in Love. I submit Heart Throbs to anyone who complains about bridesmaids’ dresses. The JOWA goes to Superman, where Superman’s first thoughts when attacked by a flame dragon at close proximity to Lois Lane is that she discovered his secret identity.
I have to throw out another psychological observation along the lines of the creepy lurkers on the horror books. DCs from that era are obsessed with secret identity discovery. This had to reflect some kind of societal influence. Maybe it was the Army-McCarthy hearings, threatening everyone with revelation of their deepest darkest secrets. Still trying to come up with a theory for giant hands.