Scooby-Doo!, DC Comics, February 2009 – Artist: Robert Pope.
Whoa! Sensory overload, all my favorite scary villains on a cover of Scooby Doo, Creeper is still my all time fave.
I was gonna pick House of Secrets #139 and I would have gotten away with it it is wasn’t for those meddling monsters!
This is why I love Archie, check out Archie #139, Pep #139 and Laugh #139 has there ever been a better trio of #139s?
I liked Girls’ Romances #139, see folks reading pays off.
The JOWA has to go to Superman #139, shouldn’t this be a Lois Lane cover, shouldn’t a Superman cover have nasty villains and such?
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Okaayyyy.. really, Scooby Doo…. ok, the villains aren’t bad but I just have no feeling for the character, way past my time.
HOS #139…I like the creepy pumpkins, but the guys carrying them just seem badly drawn…
Didn’t like the Pep, but Archie #139 with the black glasses and beach beauties is funny and well-drawn, although Archie as drawn there looks pretty lame. What do the girls really see in that skinny, pale kid? Betty could do so much better. I’ve never been a Veronica guy, Betty’s my kind of girl. Feisty.
Girls’ Romance…the idea is ok, but really the art is pretty staid…sedate…simple.
OMG, you are right about Superman #139. That’s just terrible, the Man of Steel as a merman. Ugh.
Well…Scooby… a miss for me. Now if it were Girls Love Stories rather the Romances I would be in. As for Superman….bet that cover had Aquamans fins in a furl!
Hey pal don’t get your fins all in a furl… I like that, I’m gonna use it I think.
Come on fellas, no love for Scooby? and all his villains on one cover !!
You have my love. On the road and +13h so I have missed a couple. I was too busy setting up my Jumbo #38 bid in this morning to get a comment in but I did see this one and I would have picked it as at least a runner-up. Generally these Scooby-Doo covers have greatly exceeded expectations. I am going to try to get this comment posted before the next one is up.
For #140 my pick is Girls’ Romances. I don’t quite like the girl’s face but otherwise it has it all: art, story, action, big characters, probably tough solid background. Batman the runner up half on it being a good cover and half because it is an uber-key.
I have the thumbnail problem even worse on my laptop, so I’m sure I missed a lot of possible picks because the details aren’t apparent.
JOWA to Adventure – “See what Superboy does when he meets six Superboys on the moon!” – not a Code book so I guess okay.
Oh and Bud I couldn’t disagree more about Betty vs. Veronica, even without the $$$. With the $$$ it is absolutely no contest.
They only like Archie because he keeps flipping. If he settled on one, she would immediately drop him.
Chris, Hadn’t thought about the money. Does Archie? Is that why he keeps them both spinning? But that would mean in his heart, its Betty, but in his head, its Veronica and the family inheritence? Oh, what has he been teaching innocent young readers?
Yeah, I think you are right. Archie’s not much of a long-term partner. Now Skeezix, there was/is a reliable guy, at least in the 1930s-50’s strips. I think Nina was a real find. And Oola, smarter than Alley Oop and looks great in modern day clothes and packing a gun on those time travel jaunts. Smart AND capable.
Last nite, in the Heritage weekly auction, a mere cgc GD+ Archie #50, with that steamy cover of Betty in a tight sweater, sold for $750. The way I calculate a GD+ plus, that makes guide $190. So, 4x guide.
Are there any Veronica covers in that kind of demand? I’ve seen some good ones, but…
Fortunately I have one of these, in vg+, but I may let it go if this keeps up. So much for my fondness for Betty…
Archie #100 in any grade with the great Veronica headlights should be multiples of that #50.
I say that with total objectivity.
I am all in on the Scooby cover, Walt!
How many superheroes can boast of a rogue’s gallery of villians as awesome as Scooby-Doo?
But Derrick… we all know in reality there is some white haired guy with glasses ( luckily none of you have seen me) who is wearing a rubber mask and is going to utter “I would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you meddling kids”. Not quite up there with the Doctor Dooms or Braniacs of the comics world!
Multiples of #50? I was going to grant you its a runner up, it even has a good punchline from Betty. But, Chris! I wonder how often kids would bring an issue like that home and Dad or a brother might catch a glimpse and decide to give Riverdale further attention. But thanks for bringing it to my attention. I checked MyComicShop to see the image…they have no copies, and 18 users have it on their want list. Now me, too.