Hopalong Cassidy #131, DC Comics, September/October 1958 – Artist: Gil Kane.
Man can Gil Kane draw a horse and a great action scene, I love this cover.
I was going to pick Falling in Love #131 but pulled back because I have my eye on another one with a similar theme a few weeks out.
Marge’s Little Lulu #131, can there be anything cuter, I’m gonna buy up every copy I can find and then float on to some cat lovers forum and BINGO! payday!
Forbidden Worlds #131 is great and I like the Avengers #131 cover, I also like the Spectacular Spider-Man #131 cover (all 6 of the Kraven covers are great)
My JOWA? Casper #131, like he could get his 1st shot to stick to that rock!
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Poor Hopalong is a undeservably neglected comic. Gene Colan start the run of DC issues, with fine work. But the Gil Kane issues, like this, are just incredibly nice. And he’s doing stories inside too, not just the covers. Norman Saunders did a run of covers back in the Fawcett era, some sharp…all painted. Unfortunately the work inside was pretting bland. I’m still looking for a couple of those Gil Kane issues…
Good choice!
Bud, Walt just loves a damsel in distress cover…..his biggest weakness. mine too actually 🙂
I was going to put this one on my list, but there was something about Cassidy’s face that I didn’t like. I didn’t know it was a Kane cover, but that fits perfectly.
Not much time to look at #132s and seeing nothing that really grabs me. I will go with Unexpected.
Hopalong Cassidy has been one of the surprising titles for me, lots of strong cover.
Chris, I think DC was compelled to use the likeness of actor William Boyd, probably by contract…this is from Wikipedia…they noted there were an amazing 66 (!) Hoppy films, then go on to say this:
Harry Sherman wanted to make more ambitious movies and tried to cancel the Cassidy series, but popular demand forced Sherman back into production, this time for United Artists. Sherman gave up the series in 1944, but William Boyd wanted to keep it going. To do this, he gambled his future on Hopalong Cassidy, mortgaging most of what he owned to buy the character rights from Mulford and the backlog of movies from Sherman.
So I bet to do the comics,DC had to use Boyd’s likeness. Gene Colan did the same in those earlier DC issues, its all William Boyd in every story, with his slightly beefy face.
Actually, the First Fawcett issue was a one shot in 1943, then the series began in 1946. Those very earliest issues are pretty good books with fun covers, I have several. The comic series ran through 1959, DC taking over from Fawcett just like they did with Blackhawk and G.I. Combat, etc. It must have been a VERY good seller. Dan Spiegle drew some or all the newspaper strips, running from 1949-1955.