Covered 365 : Day 13

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Day 13 – Nightmare #13, Artist – Matt Baker.

I fought every urge not to post Matt Baker’s famous #12 yesterday but the man can’t be denied. We all know Baker for the GGA but check this horror/Sci Fi cover from the master. There were a couple of copies of this book up for auction late in 2018, I lost out on both, you gotta pay to play when it comes to Matt Baker.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852


  1. Walter, i’m having fun with your choices. Very nice work. Glad I got most of the Baker books before the current craze. There was a boom in interest maybe 10 or so years ago, when we were apalled to be paying $40-$60 for St. Johns. Its crazed these days on so many books. Thinking Mystery in Space #91 might be choice, the last Infantino/Anderson/Schwartz issue, of course. Detective #167 with Cleopatra, obscure but fun. All Star #13 by Jack Burley probably has a lot of cometing greats, but its one my very favorite All Star covers. Another “final issue,” wood’s Incredible Science Fiction #33. Often seen but a magnum opus for him. Kubert’s Hawkman, Brave and the Bold #34. I am prejudiced on this on, bought it off the newstand in early 1961, when Inwould have been nine, one of my first comics and still a great one.

  2. Glad you are enjoying these Bud, from one dragon to another thanks for participating. Bakers are amazing, so many great covers, I could have easily allocated #s 12 through 17 as all Bakers but variety is the spice of life so… I do seem stuck in the Golden Age though so am looking for that breakout issue that will usher in some great Code covers.

    Nice choices, they are in my handy dandy spreadsheet I’ve made for the posts.

  3. The only ‘Nightmare’ here is that he has no way to breath with that mask ~(00)~ Nice cover, even with the blatantly impossible breathing apparatus.

  4. I should say, though, maybe it’s for free diving, in which case fogging would be more of a issue. Oh well, nit-picking at best.

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