Covered 365: Day 124

Girl’s Romances #124, DC Comics, April 1967 – Artist: Jay Scott Pike.

Wholly molly, this post is being taken over by Westerns and Romance! To my defense I’ve only had 2 romance covers in my last 18 posts and both were undeniable. Girls Romance #124 is also undeniable, who doesn’t want to open up this comic to see which one is the lucky gal, I just assumed it was all 3 but love works in mysterious ways.

How good is that Hopalong Cassidy #124 cover! Amazing Spider-Man #124 would have been the obvious choice for anyone not as smitten as I am, Tomahawk is on an amazing run of great covers, as is Ghostly Weird Stories thanks to L.B. Cole!

Jimi Hendrix alert on Heart Throbs #124.

Stalker alert on Romantic Story #124, hard to pick up your JOWA with that restraining order limiting your mobility.

Fighting Army #124, Tarzan #124 and Young Love #124 were all great.

What’s up with that Superman Man of Steel #124 cover? I’ve never held one of those.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1845


  1. This is another cover that I spent some time on but didn’t think it quite made the cut. I won’t argue against it though, it has a lot going for it versus my “great” criteria. I’m sure any of them could use their knack to great advantage. But if you are going to put it up as a pick, you should find one without a subscription crease:

    That grey tone Hopalong Cassidy is off the charts! I hate how they get me to ignore a book with a run of photo and other lame covers, and then slot something like that in. My oversight should be somewhat excusable because, unlike you, I am not getting paid big bucks to participate in this exercise.

    I saw the Jimi Hendrix – if she likes Jimi and is not his kind of girl, does his kind of girl listen to Bobby Sherman or something?

    Fightin’ Army great – another oversight. Young Love not so much. And I don’t see Tarzan under “Tarzan” in GCD – is it “Uncanny Tarzan” or something?

    I don’t think anybody held those Superman Man of Steel in their hands – they went straight to the bargain long boxes.

    Have to run to a baseball game so little time to say much about #125. To throw you completely off the scent I will go with Marge’s Little Lulu. If I am going to have to pick one of these kids’ sight gags covers, I can’t do much better than this one. It has great colors, tells a great story through really simple art, and totally relateable.

    ASM of course a runner-up, as are Birds of Prey (very Darrow), Strange Adventures, Tomahawk.

    Girls’ Romances – the story of my life.

  2. Well, you have shown me another great romance cover. I am out if my league here as it’s not a genre that I have in my collection ( although I do have a couple if the great Modest Stein romance covers in my pulp collection).

  3. This cover is O K at best. Hundreds of Romance covers are better attention getters then this. You’ve went to the romance well once to often Walt..
    I saw Walt cry once at a TCM showing of “Three coins in a fountain” …”splains” a lot…
    See you next week Walt at your place for TCM presents star of the month “Sandra Dee”…Ill bring the beer. 🙂
    Chris had no time and all his picks were better 😀

  4. I had the same thoughts re the Hendrix album Chris… my kind of gal.

    I’m glad you’re enjoying the Romance covers Gerald, you obviously have better taste than this Mackay character.

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