Stuff from the Green Lantern set
The moviefone blog has taken a stroll over to the Green Lantern film location and come back with some gems of information on the film. So far they’ve given us 5 things to look forward to with promises of even…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Minutiae: those happenings in the world of comics.
The moviefone blog has taken a stroll over to the Green Lantern film location and come back with some gems of information on the film. So far they’ve given us 5 things to look forward to with promises of even…
Our fine Canadian product moves into yet another medium with Scott Pilgrim vs. The Animation coming to Adult Swim.
The Joe Shuster Awards, the Canadian Comic Book Oscars, or if you’d rather get colonial The BAFTAs of Canadian Comics, has announced that this year’s 7th Annual Joe Shuster Awards will be announced at a public ceremony on the evening…
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the theory of the Uncanny Valley, it is that strange place in digital graphics where a human looks so almost real that it’s almost unsettling. Here’s how 30 Rock explains it: Tracy:…
The director of many a well known film including Halloween, Escape from New York and Assault on Precinct 13, just to name a few, is now set to adapt Randy Queen’s Darkchyld comic series as a film. I’ve never read…
Rumors and misinformation fueled by things like fan posters have been flying left and right about Nolan’s third Batman movie, which will have a lot of work to do in order to live up to the Dark Knight. The most…
Speakeasy has been a great hub for Toronto’s creative community for the last eleven years. Next week they’ll be hosting Toronto’s eclectic mix of comic book artists: from those who do newspaper strips and political cartoons to underground comix and…
I’ve read plenty of Colleen Coover’s work; Small Favours ranks among the best ‘erotica’ series I’ve ever read, and her output with Jeff Parker on the X-Men: First Class series basically made me a fan of both of them for…
Here’s your very first look at the Green Lantern Power Battery, courtesy of an unofficial still from the upcoming live-adaptation. I don’t know what this is, but the Green Lantern Power Battery this surely is not. [dailyblam.]
In the upcoming Spider-Man reboot which will be in 3D, The Wrap reports that Rhys Ifans is set to play Dr. Curt Connors; the human side of the Lizard. Rhys Ifans is a Welsh musician, and is also set to…
The Hollywood Reporter says Marvel Television (a division of Marvel Studios) is planning to develop a new Hulk TV series with the ABC TV network. Marvel TV boss Jeph Loeb has hinted that a Cloak and Dagger TV show is…
Grant Morrison is officially on twitter. The internet will explode in a four dimensional hyperwave that completely redefines itself and becomes a polarizing element discussed ad nauseum between passionate fans and passionate haters in 3… 2… 1…
Hockey season has begun and what better way to celebrate than with some bizarre comic news. What do hockey and comics have in common, you may ask? Why, Stan Lee, of course. In a strange marketing move, Stan ‘The Man’…
There’s so much coverage going on at NYCC that your eyes are gonna bleed trying to keep up with it. So screw that, let the CBD crew bleed their eyes for you as we scour the web and boil it…
Last week, the Toronto Cartoonist Workshop opened their doors in celebration of Fit-to-Print’s first publication, Holmes Inc, and a brand new workspace. Being CBD’s TCW correspondent, I headed to the city to check out the festivities. After a stroll down…
It’s been more than a year since Marvel announced that they acquired the rights to Marvelman from Mick Anglo and comic fans all around the world rejoiced that one of the most critically acclaimed runs would be released. Well, 1…
Would you want to watch a Wonder Woman TV series? Well, I sure hope so because that’s what we’re getting according to The Hollywood Reporter. Warner Bros. Television is developing a modern-day reboot of the classic DC comic book heroine…
As far as first cars go, I’m fairly certain that the 1966 Batmobile makes my purple Honda Odyssey look a little stupid. For just $150,000, Mark Racop and his Fiberglass Freaks replicas will get you a full, exact copy of…
The Daily Mirror has gotten some set photos of Chris Evans as Steve Rogers during a Manhattan chase scene. It looks like he’s strapped on some prosthetic feet to protect his feet as he does some kind of barefoot chase…
“Under normal circumstances, I would follow Morrison and his ongoing Bat-narrative into the next title hosting it, but that new title is going to experience a 33% price increase, which is just way too much for me to be able…