Drawing Comics Is Hard Work
For the past few months I have had the privilege of working out of The Royal Academy of Illustration and Design, or RAID studios. For those of you who don’t know, RAID studios is a collective of artists based in…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
For the past few months I have had the privilege of working out of The Royal Academy of Illustration and Design, or RAID studios. For those of you who don’t know, RAID studios is a collective of artists based in…
Whenever I have a bit of writer’s block or simply can’t think of a topic for a column, the internet provides. Last week Rob Liefeld set Twitter abuzz with his comments about Deadpool, or more specifically about how Deadpool is…
We all know that rebooting a series or creating a “new jumping on point” causes sales to increase, albeit in some cases temporarily, but I often wonder what this does to the sales of a title before the relaunch. Comic…
Once upon a time I reviewed Marvel VS Capcom 3. This was relatively early on in my career as a columnist and I threw out the line that it was written by “hack” writer Frank Tieri. In return Frank told…
Well, another San Diego Comic Con is in the books and I thought I'd mention some of the news that I got excited about.
Since the announcement of Disney acquiring Marvel was made, I have been wondering when we would see some comic book action at the Disney Theme Parks. This isn’t as much of a slam dunk as some might think: Universal currently…
Hello all, I am on vacation this week. Until next time please enjoy this picture of Tony Stark and Nick Fury on the beach (from the Marvel Swimsuit special).
New York is a great city. I know that isn’t exactly groundbreaking news, but every introductory sentence I write can’t be a winner. On a recent trip to New York I noticed how seeing the city in person gives you…
It is a funny thing that sometimes when a comic book becomes popular it attracts a lot of negative feedback. That isn’t to say that it might not deserve the negative feedback (I’ve hated lots of popular things), but sometimes…
We talk a lot of about continuity at the CBD offices. It is one of our favourite topics. Last week Kurt Busiek mentioned something on Twitter that has stuck with me. He was talking about how some people wish that…
When I was first reading comic books there wasn’t much talk about who wrote or drew a comic book. I’m sure that some people knew the artists and writers but mostly you just bought comic books because you liked the…
A visit to TCAF always gets me thinking about small press comic books and their relationship with “mainstream” books. Like other artistic media there is a divide with the mass-market popular books that make a tonne of money and those…
I have read a lot of Spider-Man comic books. Pretty much everything. I have definitely read every issue of Amazing Spider-Man and believe me when I say that we are currently seeing another golden age in the pages of ASM.…
One of the most positive aspects of the comic book industry is that conventions and events allow a continual opportunity for fans to meet and interact with their favourite creators. It can be somewhat of a surreal experience to hold…
Long time readers know that I am a huge supporter of both digital comics and the local comic books store. Many out there believe that you can’t support both. That you need to pick a side and the time is…
So a while back Andrew basically threw down the gauntlet and double dog dared more of us here at CBD to write reviews. I don’t think that I have the testicular fortitude to dissect a comic book with the surgeon…
Of course you all have heard of the monthly video streaming service Netflix. For $8 per month (Scott Says: first month is free and you can cancel) you get unlimited access to Netflix’s library of movies and television shows. You…
A few weeks ago Scott corrected Walt and Chris when, on the Comic Culture Radio Show, they referred to some upcoming title from Marvel’s All Ages rating as kids comics. Scott was correct in noting that these comics are rated…
There has been a bit of doom and gloom on our site lately. Andrew, Ed, and I have all written some glass half empty articles recently, and I wanted to let our intrepid readers know that all is fine…
I finally got a chance to check out the Tintin movie the other day and in light of my previous column on the source material I thought I would share some thoughts. As the Vulcans say “only Nixon can go…