C2E2 2013: Recap
This year was my first time attending The Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo, or C2E2, and I will say that I was very impressed. While the show is geared towards all manner of geek pop culture, its primary focus is on…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
This year was my first time attending The Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo, or C2E2, and I will say that I was very impressed. While the show is geared towards all manner of geek pop culture, its primary focus is on…
Personal improvement is a passion of ours here at CBD and we’ve done a lot of conventions, so I thought I’d pass on some helpful hints now that con season is in full swing. I would also like it make…
Awards are, by their nature, subjective and really just the opinions of a select few. That doesn’t mean that awards have no merit, or that those who receive awards are not deserving. I actually think that the benefit of awards…
Scott and I have recently taken on the role of coordinators for the Harry Kremer Retailer Award (part of the Joe Shuster Awards) that is given each year to an outstanding comic book retailer. Past winners have included The Silver…
We all have our favourite television show, right? It might be Game of Thrones, or The Simpsons, or Golden Girls and it most likely airs once per week. That is sort of the rule of television in that you get…
Lately I have been thinking about death. Specifically death in comic books and malleable nature of what should be a permanent state. It seems like there is more death in comic books nowadays, but, as Walt would say “old farts…
The comic book world was abuzz this week with the news that Damian Wayne, the fourth Robin, was going to die in the upcoming Batman Incorporated #8. I didn’t bother posting a spoiler alert because once something appears in the…
I was looking at a list of the discounts that Marvel is offering to local comic book shops (Bleeding Cool has a good breakdown here) and I wonder if we will ever be able to have accurate sales figures for…
My first thought on Champ’s love letter to the Django Unchained Comic was “geez Danny, get a room”, but his sledgehammer to open a walnut approach to titling columns has generated a good deal of discussion. And that is a…
One of the unique aspects of the comic book medium is that it is completely dominated by a single genre. I cannot think of any other artistic media where this is true, for if we saw movies or music dominated…
Comedy is very personal and either you find something funny or you don’t. So I’m not surprised when someone tells me that they don’t like such and such show or they don’t think that Jim Belushi is very funny. Deciding…
Once upon a time I didn’t really care about over-sized hardcovers, collected editions, or trade paperback anthologies. I really just bought issues, and only issues, and liked it. I also possibly walked to the comic book store through ten feet of snow.…
Now that 2012 is one for the history books we look ahead to the new year. And there are a lot of titles that have piqued my interest. Star Wars While this series might be cancelled once Dark Horse’s contract…
Every yin has a yang, and I’ve already shared my thoughts on the best of 2012, so here are some of my opinions on the worst stuff that came out this year. Avengers Vs X-Men: Despite being a fanboy’s dream…
In the discipline of Classics, there is a particular branch, aptly named the Classical Tradition, that concerns itself with the study of how Classics was received and maintained by later cultures. I believe that similarly one could study The Comic Book…
During this very festive of seasons we at the Comic Book Daily offices enjoy making lists and checking them twice, but our lists mostly are about the comic books we feel should be considered naughty or nice. In general I…
One of the biggest stories out of the New York Comic Con was some discussion on the new Spider-Man book. In December Amazing Spider-Man will end after 700 issues. It has already ended once before after 441 issues but it…
September was another strong month for comic book sales, and Marvel’s AVX and DC’s New 52 Zero issues led the way. The zero issues allowed readers to have a look into the past history of their favourite heroes, and while…
It will come as no surprise to longtime readers that I am a huge Spider-Man fan. It is the book that I have collected the longest, the character that I have always liked the most, and the one that still…
I still am a bit tired from the amazing race that was Montreal, so this will be a bit of a mishmash recap. Scott, Walt and myself got a chance to represent CBD and Big B Comics and had a…