Why I don’t have a pull list.
The other night I went to Ladies Night at the Comic Book Lounge. While I was buying some comics I was chatting with one of the girls who attended about how I might have to order a couple issues of…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
The other night I went to Ladies Night at the Comic Book Lounge. While I was buying some comics I was chatting with one of the girls who attended about how I might have to order a couple issues of…
This is it boys, I am giving you permission to stare, because my post today is all about boobs, jugs, breasts, gazongas, tits, dirty pillows. I originally started this article with the idea of “the evolution of boobs in comics”.…
Last night I was able to show my patriotic comic lovin’ side by attending the Captain Canuck web series Indiegogo launch party. The animated web series stars Kris Holden-Reid (Lost Girl, Underworld: Awakening, The Tudors) who voices Captain Canuck and…
This weekend I packed up all my nerdy stuff, packed myself into a tiny car full of dudes, woke up at the crack of dawn and made my way down to Boston for PAX East. (Penny Arcade Expo) After three…
While standing in my local comic book shop the other day, I was looking around and noticed something. A lot of comics have anti-heroes as their main characters. This got me thinking, why are there so many anti-heroes? Looking back…
Inspired by Daniel Champion‘s list of UK Conventions, I have complied as many Cons in Toronto that I could find (that are nerdy related) into the convenient list below. I tried to keep the list to Toronto, if I missed…
Monday evening Alice Quinn (from TDot Comics) and The Comic Book Lounge threw an all Ladies Comic Nerd night where geeky ladies could get together and talk about their love of nerdery. No men were allowed; even the owner of…
I am away this week on vacation, so this is going to be short and sweet. I hope everyone had an amazing holiday and New Year! I would love to hear if you have any New Years resolutions, especially if…
Ok, look I admit it, I am terrified of zombies. I have and always have had an irrational fear of the fictional characters. I have had many people try and convince me other wise, they suggestions things like the Zombie…
[youtube ] I hope you enjoy my newest video blog. Make sure you check out favorite things! (Links below) Black levitra without prescription Milk Clothing Pinterest
This thought came to me the other day while we were trying to get my D&D group together. We have been playing together for about 3 years. First it started out with us playing every Monday. Then because of work,…
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! From Comic Book Daily the Hulks:
Sadly this week I won’t be posting a video blog. It being cold and flu season, I was unlucky enough to catch a cold and no one needs to see that. So, I thought I would post this article about…
This weekend my husband and I were lucky enough to go to New York Comic Con. We flew to New York on Friday morning, checked into my hotel and went right to the con. When we got there, the scene…
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXujzTZjFYk&feature=youtu.be] This is my second video blog. I will be trying to post my vlogs monthly, so keep an eye out for them! In this episode, I go over what I am currently reading, why Halloween is awesome for…
The Question: If you could have any super power, what would it be? This question is asked of a comic fans all the time. Even when a non-comic lover finds out I am a comic fan, they ask this question.…
Thanks for checking out my first video blog! If you would like more tips and tricks on going to conventions check out a previous article I wrote at Comic Book Daily “How to survive a con“.
This past weekend I left the city and traveled very far north, all the way up to Sudbury in fact. While there I had to visit the local comic book store (as I do whenever I go to a new…
Every morning I wake up, get ready and walk about half an hour to work, and every time I walk I listen to podcasts. This is my routine. Most people listen to music, but not me. I don’t have a…
I was chatting with a client at work the other day, and the conversation turned to video games and comic books (as it tends to do when I talk to people). And, the gentleman I was talking to pointed out…