Category Wham! Bang! Pow!

A break, A Decision And How I Collect

This past year has been a hectic one for me. Because of all the change in my life, some of my hobbies suffered and that includes comics. So, here I am, at the end of all the craziness and as my focus gets back to what it should be I, I have a lot of comics to catch up on. Not having a pull list at my local shop has done some damage, and now my hunt for the issues missing from my collection begins.

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How I Got My Job (A Series): Cary Nord

Being a passionate fan of comics, it is only natural to dream and hope that one day you could possibly work in/with them.

Well, I might not work in comics, but I do live in a city that allows me to meet and be friends with people who are. My next couple of articles will be a series of interviews with people who work in the comic industry focusing on how they got into the positions they are in today. These people include artists, writers, retailers, editors etc.

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The Kindness of Strangers

I have found, throughout my years of being a comic book lover, there is something very strange about the way comic book fans treat each other. When one comic book fan meets another, there is a back and forth quiz that happens. “What do you read?” “What is your favourite comic?” “Who is your favourite writer/artist/character?” Instead of just being excited to meet another comic lover, we have to make sure they are worthy, but mostly, we make sure we know more than they do.

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Disney’s Marvel Joins Netflix To Take Over The World

Ok, ok, the title of this article is a bit misleading now that Marvel is owned by Disney .They aren’t trying to take over the world, but they are trying to keep you entertained to the max! In addition to the countless movies they have been pumping out, and the new Shield TV show which seems to be doing pretty well, they are looking to cover another media market, Netflix!

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Happy Halloween!

Halloween is my favourite holiday and I hope you are enjoying it as much as I do! Last weekend I was able to dress up and go out to the Silver Snail Halloween party. This is the first time I attended the Snail party and I will definitely go again. It took place at Andrew Richard Designs. I am usually pretty hardcore about my costume, so it was great to be around like minded people, it was like cosplay on steroids.

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Toronto Based Projects

I am lucky enough to live in one of the biggest cities in Canada (Toronto) and because of this I have had the opportunity to meet some amazingly talented people. Recently, many of these people have been launching projects that I am amazed and very proud of them for. So, I thought instead of hoarding all the information I know about these projects, I would share some of them with you.

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