Well my loyal readers, another Fan Expo has come and gone. And while all of us at Comic Book Daily are recouping this week with pots of coffee and cases of Red Bull, I thought that I would give you…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Well my loyal readers, another Fan Expo has come and gone. And while all of us at Comic Book Daily are recouping this week with pots of coffee and cases of Red Bull, I thought that I would give you…
I got busy last night and didn’t get a chance to post this (I posted my report for the Pint o’CB panel instead). So, without further ado, here’s what my Saturday looked like: 7:00am – Jolted awake by the blaring…
When and Where: Saturday August 28, 2010 @ 3:30pm; Room 206c, Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC) Before I move onto the announcements, I have to congratulate CB Cebulski on his thirteenth consecutive appearance at Fan Expo Canada. CB (who is…
Ah it’s Fan Expo time again. For those of you outside Ontario, Fan Expo is Toronto’s largest convention. I’ve heard reports that overall it’s the 3rd largest con in North America and after seeing the line ups last year, I’d…
Well it’s time for another random group of comic news and commentary, so strap on your helmets, it’s time for a Grab bag edition of Just a Thought! Image United issue 3 is out. Yup, months late and any general…
I love Batman. Maybe not as much as this guy, but maybe that’s a good thing. The last four years have been a very good time to be a Batman fan. Grant Morrison has been giving us a run that…
I am not a fan of the Certified Guarantee Corporation, or CGC as it is more commonly known. For those of you new to the term I will explain it briefly. CGC is a company that, for a fee, will…
Dead West is one of those rare graphic novels that blends two distinctly different genres and makes them work in ways previously thought impossible. Another great story by Rick Spears and Rob G. (who also created the subversive and romantic…
I am dying to play the new Scott Pilgrim video game. Unfortunately I am an Xbox 360 owner (my tag is BCGrendel316 if you ever want to murder me in Halo) so I’ve got to wait a few weeks until…
Brent Chittenden explores the elusive art of the one shot done in one comic book. While taking looks at some of the greatest single issues ever done by the likes of Neil Gaiman, Bruce Timm, Paul Pope and more....
I am always one to admit when I’m wrong. And boy did I miss the mark on what would be announced at Comic Con. No Bendis job movement, no real Vertigo crossover announcement, nothing about The Shadow. In fact in…
Sometimes as a critic and reviewer you get caught up in your job. In my column over the past months, I’ve talked about a lot of the bad in comics or stuff I don’t really agree with. I’ve also talked…
On Monday night, I had the pleasure of attending the midnight release party of the sixth volume of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim series, Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour. A tad sad to learn that I would be going alone earlier…
Another week and a ton of comic stuff to go over from the last time I did a grab bag column. For those of you who haven’t read one of my grab bags, I basically pick a few things and…
I have been a freelance writer for about 10 years now, and during that time my words have not been without controversy. However, being a freelance writer gives me a platform to respond. In my last article “Don’t Support Your…
First off I want it on the record that I support the concept of the local comic shop. I think that they are a vital part of the industry. However, the majority of comic books stores are awful, nerd-filled gulags…
The Bestselling Graphic Novels for June 2010 (Bookstore Channel) Nielsen BookScan has released its rankings for the bestselling adult graphic novels in the bookstore channel for June 2010. Using sales data provided by major book chains, online retailers, mass merchants,…
Ok, I’ll admit it: I kinda-sorta-really-really want to be a cowgirl. With amazingly sexy Western-themed entertainment like Red Dead Redemption and Jonah Hex exploding all over the entertainment scene recently, who doesn’t crave the thrill of an adventure circa Deadwood,…
If you are a regular reader to this column, you know that sometimes I yearn for the 80’s. I’m very much a product of my pop culture filled childhood. Case in point, a new Predator movie is on it’s way…
I’m a sucker for slice of life autobiographical comics. There’s something really refreshing about not knowing what to expect with each update. Whether it’s a gag strip, or a ‘hits-to-close-to-home’ moment that seems oddly out of place until you realize…