Category Columns

52Q | #54: Christmas Wishes

Back by popular demand, Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers. Tip of the hat goes to Scott VanderPloeg for this week’s question.

What comic or comic related book would you like to see under the Christmas tree? Something outside your normal purchasing habits (interest, character, price) so you're not buying it for yourself but a great gift to receive.

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Sorting of Sorts

If you regularly read my column, or my comments on other columns on the site, you’ll know that I’ve been working at reading and cataloguing my entire comic book collection. When I started, I thought I would read through my…

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The Crow

I’ve been on a bit of a nostalgia kick recently as last week’s “it came from the long box” column is a sure sign of. Being a bit of a dreary day, I decided to take a look at the…

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Collected New 52

First off every title is getting a collection of at least six issues, so DC clearly has no plans to cancel any of their New 52 titles within the first six months. Since they required books to be done well in advance I'd hazard a guess they already have at least six issues ready to go.

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Marvel Vs DC?

Part of me thought initially that DC’s recent reboot was first born, in preparation for a crossover with Marvel… crazy right?  Marvellous, Marvel’s, magnificent men and women finding themselves in a ‘stand-off’ with dirty DC’s, dangerous, dudes and dames.  …

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Watchmen 2

If you think you’ve read this particular column before, I wouldn’t blame you. I first covered rumors of a Watchmen sequel/prequel nearly two years ago (Scott: previous column). At the time, there wasn’t much attached to idea in terms of…

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Captain Britain

If Captain Britain vanished from the red pages of Marvel without a trace, would anyone (Stateside) care? Or even notice?! With Disney’s (fairly) recent decision that “all Marvel Superheroes must originate in the United States” we may well see that happen very soon – and only then…

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