Category Columns

Best Of Year Lists

It’s December and everywhere you turn there’s a “Best Of 2011” list. Since we’re talking comics here at Comic Book Daily I’ve been looking at best comics lists from the usual suspects like comic blogs, including this one, but also…

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Judge (Joseph) Dredd’s strip in the British comic 2000AD is the publication’s longest running, first seen in the second issue in 1977. The premise: in a dark and dangerous future where uniformed Judges combine the powers of police, judge, jury…

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52Q | #59: Superhero and comics fans

Back by popular demand, Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers. Tip of the hat goes to Scott VanderPloeg for this week’s question.

Spotted this quote last week.

There are two types of fans: superhero fans and comics fans. The problem is that most superhero fans mistakenly believe they're comics fans.

This week's 52Q: your take on the above.

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Jackie Rose

  One of the reasons I started doing these weekly walkabouts is to finally make myself sit down and read all these great looking comics I’ve stumbled across online. This week I finally tackled Jackie Rose, a great adventure story…

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The Digital Age

In the modern landscape of comics nerdery and production, a place so fiercely doused in ‘cool’ from top to bottom, where heroes and heroines sing and dance – and excitable nerds rigorously ride their paper waves, I ask… Is there enough free…

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52Q | #58: Sex & Violence

Back by popular demand, Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers. Tip of the hat goes to Scott VanderPloeg for this week’s question.

Violence, scantily clad women, sexuality, Batman and Catwoman's recent escapades, etc. This weeks 52Q: Is adult subject matter in comics hurting or helping its ability to reach new readers?

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There’s a half-dozen strips on the newspaper comic page that could be given mercy killings to make way for a strip like Snowflakes. Set somewhere in the snowy heights of the Andes, Snowflakes follows the lives of a group of…

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Doctor Who?

Doctor Who began in 1963 and dazzled a UK TV audience immediately.  Seven actors played the Doctor on TV before the show was sadly dropped in 1989 after a very strong but, waning  first run.   Following a (publicly demanded) TV…

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I hate Tintin

Like any other artistic medium comic books have their seminal works. The works that have won award after award, received critical acclaim, and maintained popularity decade after decade. Hergé’s The Adventures of Tintin is one of those works. It has…

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