I Love Chew
Chew is a comic written by Jay Layman with art by Rob Guillroy and is published by Image. It has been on the New York Times Best Sellers list twice, and is considered Image’s most acclaimed titles. It takes place…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Chew is a comic written by Jay Layman with art by Rob Guillroy and is published by Image. It has been on the New York Times Best Sellers list twice, and is considered Image’s most acclaimed titles. It takes place…
Buffy and or say X-Files might be the best comparison for Spare Keys for Strange Doors. Or maybe Lost Girl if you know it. Toby Hathaway and Marion Sark are professional supernatural problem solvers. ‘Blessed’ with powers of their own,…
Quite a few months ago I talked about changing my style of comic review here at Comic Book Daily. I wanted to pair down what was being presented: less about outlining the story or talking about the artwork. Since then…
Very simple this week. In the interests of feeling like a child again AND to feel a greater connection to the fictional, comic characters that occupy our mischievous minds on a daily basis, I’d like to pose a simple question……
As our readers are well aware, we are always striving for excellence here at the Comic Book Daily offices. We are constantly coming up with new and interesting ideas for content. It will come as no surprise that CBD is…
“One of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere.” That is the definition of the word rules. When I collect comic books and action figures, I follow a set of…
I’ve been off for a few weeks. The lady and I are currently in the process of house hunting (like buying a house… I feel so grown up) and it’s taking up a surprising amount of my time. Since WonderCon,…
It’s easy to compile a list of things we love about comics, it’s easy because we love them. There’s an undefined, miscellaneous feeling involved in reading comics… an x-factor. It feels cool somehow, as if there’s an unexplainable ‘comics-force’ available to tap…
This article is written purely on opinion and observation. There was no research done for this article. It is just my own opinion on this subject. If you consider this column the equivalent of my super-hero persona, then my alter-ego…
And now it’s time for a trip down the rabbit hole, over the rainbow and through the wardrobe. At least, if you happen to be named Alice, Dorothy or Peter. In that case, you may be a namesake. Namesake by Isabelle Melançon and Megan…
Over March break my family was traveling in Ontario and I had an afternoon available to check out four local comic shops. I did an internet search for comic shops and came up with the four locations quickly; putting them…
Looking ahead to the not-so-distant Summer of Superheroes, It’s easy to feel excitement for the coming ‘events’ in comics… on printed pages, glowing screens and – in 3 dimensions in our periphery. As comics-people, we’re all waiting for the same things/events I…
And now for something demonic. And pink. Of course, those might be mutually inclusive. In this case, they go together. By accident. Or more accurately by Apathy. The Demon apathy. See, somebody sold their sold to the devil in exchange…
One of the great things about comics is the huge cast of characters involved and the multitude of series that have existed. And we all have our favorites. Think about conversations you have at conventions or at the comic shop.…
This weekend was Hobby Star’s Toronto Comicon. It is the start of my con season. I took a friend for his first Comicon, and after realizing I have been going to different types of cons for quite a few years…
With the final pages of my submission idea complete, it’s time to send my little ‘snowball’ off to Hell – and see what kind of impact it has on the fiery landscape that is graphic publishing. The end product is…
It was around 1989 that my local comic shop Silver Snail brought Jean Giraud, aka Moebius, on a tour of their stores. Silver Snail in those days had a mini comic empire going on Ontario and it was truly a…
This is the best time of year! Finally the drudgery of the winter is starting to fade. The barren toy aisles that were stripped of their wares since the holidays are starting to fill. Yes folks, it’s new action figure…
Take a look at the comic rack of your local store. Now, take look at the Previews catalog. And finally, take a look through various comic book news websites. Now if you’re around the age of 30, a lot of…
In honour of her new book Friends with Boys arriving today, I thought we should have a look at one of Faith Erin Hicks’ other comic works. A quickly rising star, Faith cut her comic teeth in the webcomic…