The Definitive Thunder God?
As I am wont to do, I was looking at a random long box and this one happened to be the Mighty Thor. I have a good run from Journey Into Mystery #121 up which was, for me, when the…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
As I am wont to do, I was looking at a random long box and this one happened to be the Mighty Thor. I have a good run from Journey Into Mystery #121 up which was, for me, when the…
This week on Arcs & Runs we are going to play a game of “What If”. Our question – If you had to accept a one-year assignment in an arctic weather station, what twenty issue run of comics would you…
What is it that I can say regarding Stan Lee’s passing that hasn’t already been said. The only thing I can say is how I feel about it. I never met Stan, although I certainly felt like I knew him…
Today we will once again be stretching the boundaries of an Arc or Run to the straining point. Actually, just to a collecting strain. The way some people collect #1 issues or circled $0.12 covers, today’s post is about big…
I came onto the collecting scene at age 10 and issue number 62 of the Amazing Spider-Man. This was when the Silver Age hit its peak! The explosion of titles and the full-blown mastery of the form had arrived. Spidey…
On my trip to New York, New York earlier this month I had the chance to visit the Society Of Illustrators and see two exhibits. The Art of The Avengers and Other Heroes and Tales from the Crypt: The Revolutionary Art…
Fake News! Long before that phrase was coined there was J. Jonah Jameson, and long before J.J., there would be others spreading their version of the truth. It was through the pages of the Amazing Spider-Man as a youngster maybe…
Last week Carbon 3 was released by Mark Schultz. If you are not familiar with Mark Schultz, he is most famous for being the Creator of Xenozoic Tales and Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. He is notoriously slow and has not done…
This week we feature one of my favourite runs of Doctor Strange, his first series in his own title, following a lengthy split run in Strange Tales (#110-168). I have always liked this run of fifteen books even though it…
I attended the Baltimore Comic*Con this past weekend, September 28-30, with a group of comic collectors and buyers. Over the years I had heard this was a comic-centric show with little pop culture: a “serious” show for comic collectors. There were…
Rather than pontificating this post, I found an interesting article with a very pointed take on current comics, particularly Marvel. Former Marvel Editor-In-Chief Jim Shooter Eviscerates the Current State of Marvel Comics! Since this topic usually elicits strong feelings I…
I went to this year’s Fan Expo looking, as I always do, for some series that I either missed, or didn’t know existed, and this year was no exception. Now I am usually art driven first and story second. Jackson”Butch”…
Well, we have finally come to the last arc in the Fantastic Four #1-67 run I started a little over four years ago! I believe the Fantastic Four were still in print when we started, they were cancelled in June…
Well, it has arrived! Now I am a regular collector of the Artist/Artifact Editions and without a doubt, this is a treasure. It’s hard to not rush through it the first time through, because there is page after page of…
There was a thread on byrnerobotics.com over the last few weeks that generated a ton of excitement in followers of John Byrne. The question came up asking if you could you go back to Marvel and pencil for somebody else to…
The 48th Overstreet Price Guide arrived at comic shops a week and a half ago, and I finally had a chance to dive into my copy this weekend. I know I am probably known here as one of Comicbookdaily’s bigger…
It is really hard to write about an artist that means so much to this hobby and who has lived his life as a virtual recluse. Steve Ditko passed away in his 90th year. To say he was an amazing…
I was in a Chapters a few weeks back picking up some non-comic book related reading material and decided to take a walk over to the Graphic novel section. My copy of Batman Year One had mysteriously disappeared and I…
This column is a little premature. The Fantastic Four reboot doesn’t happen until August, but I must say I have tempered enthusiasm as any of the several variant covers that I have seen haven’t really excited me. I like Esad Ribic, but…
Having grown up during the Silver Age of comics, many of my favorite artists have unfortunately passed away. So the announcements over the last few years for Fan Expo in Toronto, haven’t gotten that rush of adrenaline happening for me.…