Making WebComics
The comics industry is a tough nut to crack for those who plan to squeeze inside it somehow. There’s no clear or obvious path towards a ‘job’ like there is in some industries. There’s no… “this much school”, “this degree”,…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
The comics industry is a tough nut to crack for those who plan to squeeze inside it somehow. There’s no clear or obvious path towards a ‘job’ like there is in some industries. There’s no… “this much school”, “this degree”,…
It is a funny thing that sometimes when a comic book becomes popular it attracts a lot of negative feedback. That isn’t to say that it might not deserve the negative feedback (I’ve hated lots of popular things), but sometimes…
The last couple weeks have been sort of negative for me. First off we had the news that G.I. Joe Retaliation is being pushed back until March 2013, for the addition of 3D and more scenes with Channing Tatum. Secondly,…
I was recently in London, Ontario and while I was there I had some time to kill, so I went to a couple of comic book stores. By the time I got to the third store I noticed something: men…
I just moved. I hate moving. Seriously. The lady and I moved into our first home of our own (no more land lord HUZAH!) and we went from thinking “Eh, it’s our first place, we’ll stay here, five or ten…
Bear Nuts is wrong. Cute fluffy animals doing unspeakable things wrong. Seriously, when the cast list is: Prozac, Death, Gimp, Lech, Evil, Tanked, Gay, Nerd and Cracked Bear you know this is just wrong, wrong, wrong. And Alison Acton does…
Last week 20th Century Danny Boy posted a 1975 interview from Graphex fanzine with Jim Steranko. It’s a great read to get a glimpse into Steranko’s purview of comics; this quote nailed it. Drawing well is requirement in being a…
We talk a lot of about continuity at the CBD offices. It is one of our favourite topics. Last week Kurt Busiek mentioned something on Twitter that has stuck with me. He was talking about how some people wish that…
Real life Superhero alert!… Remaining anonymous to protect his true identity, this ballsy British banker has declared his very own war on crime in England’s second city: Birmingham. This normal-looking English chap crunches numbers in a boring office by day.…
Many toy collectors know about the Burlington Toy Show, which is now known as the Burlington Toy Con. This has been a spectacular show to find the action figures and toys you just need to get.
This weekend in Great Britain saw the celebration of the Queen’s 60th year on the throne in her Diamond Jubilee. London has once again been transformed into a stage for regal, royal subjects to parade, promenade, cascade through and dance…
When I was first reading comic books there wasn’t much talk about who wrote or drew a comic book. I’m sure that some people knew the artists and writers but mostly you just bought comic books because you liked the…
Last week the G.I. Joe Universe was shocked by the news that G.I. Joe Retaliation, the sequel to 2009’s G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra, would be released March 29/2013 instead of its original release date of June 29 Initially the…
The other day I was on twitter looking through posts when I came across one from Kevin Smith. I am a Jay and Silent Bob fan, so naturally I follow him. He said he was having a bad day and…
We’re going back this week. Back in a retro sense, but also a bit of history. John MacLeod’s Space Kid is a throwback. And a self-aware one at that. If you enjoy 50’s science fiction, Astro Boy or rocket ships…
Please Note: The following column only represents the views of columnist Brent Chittenden and not necessarily the views or opinions of Comic Book Daily, its writers, editors or owners. Please read the entire column before commenting. I go away two…
After reading two great columns this week about reading comics, a great When Worlds Collide and our own Across The Pond, it struck me that those who visit comic sites like ours aren’t “rational” comic readers but comic collectors. Give…
How do we do things? Firstly, I buy the on-going monthly’s that I’m reading in print, obviously I do. I visit the comic shop every Wednesday like a kid on Christmas. I like the comic shop like a fat Englishman…
A book review by Tim Marchman for the Wall Street Journal that barely mentions the book has attracted a lot of attention from the comic internet, leading with the following. If no cultural barrier prevents a public that clearly loves…
Last year Scott reported about the release of the DC New 52 Hardcover book. There was some discussion about the book in the comments section of the article. I made the comment that I would buy that book, and further…