Star Wars/Star Trek crossover
Prior to JJ Abrams’ Star Trek reboot in 2009, it felt to me as though there were 2 distinct groups in the nerdscape. There were a) those whom liked Star Trek and b) everyone else. A common shift towards a…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Prior to JJ Abrams’ Star Trek reboot in 2009, it felt to me as though there were 2 distinct groups in the nerdscape. There were a) those whom liked Star Trek and b) everyone else. A common shift towards a…
After reading Leigh Hart’s column about pull lists, and taking inspiration from a tweet by Hope Nicholson, I got thinking about the eventuality of every comic book pull list… removing a title from your list (or the dreaded cancellation of…
DATELINE: NEW YORK – Warner Brothers now has full license to SUPERBOY, thanks to a ruling April 18th by U.S. District Court. The order by Judge Otis Wright III affirmed a contested 2001 agreement between the estate of Superman co-creator…
With comicsness all around me once again and a heightened swell in my bones for all things popular and cultured, I’m re-impacted with the smell and the sound and the taste of all the stuff I love the most and…
Personal improvement is a passion of ours here at CBD and we’ve done a lot of conventions, so I thought I’d pass on some helpful hints now that con season is in full swing. I would also like it make…
Welcome to Promises Fitness. Fiona, Trish and Shanta will be working with you for the next while, firming up you laugh muscles and toning your webcomic enjoyment. Sessions will be Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Proprietor Julie Faulkner runs a great establishment.…
After viewing the video tour of the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum I wondered about what the original material for comic strip reprint collections cost. Sure, if you can tap a big time collector of original newspaper strips they may…
A look back at the first arc of Bedlam, a violent and beautiful comics that questions the very nature of evil.
How do you like it? Hard? Soft? Floppy??? Wait… what did you think I was talking about? This is a comic blog… I’m talking about comics. When it comes to comics there are three main ways you can enjoy them. …
One of the biggest daggers thrown at webcomics is that because it’s so easy to start one, anybody can do it and there’s just so much poorly done work that webcomics are viewed as amateur and not worthy. Well what…
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! Hotter than Cat Grant! He is…BIFF SOCKO! DATELINE:…
The other night I went to Ladies Night at the Comic Book Lounge. While I was buying some comics I was chatting with one of the girls who attended about how I might have to order a couple issues of…
Awards are, by their nature, subjective and really just the opinions of a select few. That doesn’t mean that awards have no merit, or that those who receive awards are not deserving. I actually think that the benefit of awards…
At one time or another all comic readers and collectors wind up with a pile of books they don’t want any more, but know they will probably have a hard time selling. Maybe you still have a collection of early…
Advertising is important in any form of media. It either brings us our entertainment for free, or at least at a reduced cost. I don’t have any hard data on this, but it feels like there is more advertising in…
52Q is when we take the opportunity to ask the writers of Comic Book Daily a question. This week’s question was asked and compiled by Ed Campbell: Who is your favourite comic book villain? Leigh Hart: Mine is Ozymandias from…
I love independent comics. It's a sentiment that's grown exponentially over the last 18 months since I've been with Crystal Fractal Comics and have gradually over time come into contact with a number of Toronto-based comic creators, as well as many across the 905 belt.
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! Hotter than Cat Grant! He is…BIFF SOCKO! DATELINE:…
Scott and I have recently taken on the role of coordinators for the Harry Kremer Retailer Award (part of the Joe Shuster Awards) that is given each year to an outstanding comic book retailer. Past winners have included The Silver…
All you wanna do is play some rock and roll, maybe get some fans, a little fame, a little fortune. And next thing you know, you’re the sound of the Free Mars revolution. Such is the situation for The Sisters…