Category Columns

Batman: Arkham Origins

The first two entries in the Batman: Arkham series of video games (Arkham Asylum, 2009 and Arkham City, 2011) are fantastic games and some of the best that this generation of video games had to offer. The combat was tight, the voice acting superb, and the gameplay perfectly suited for the Darknight Detective. So when development for a prequel was shifted from Rocksteady Studios to Warner Bros. Interactive’s Montreal studios they had some big shoes to fill.

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Campaign of the Week: ‘Concrete Martians’

Alien invasions have been prevalent in pop culture for quite some time, captivating our imaginations with visions of a hostile extra terrestrial force from another galaxy that's come to say hello in either a very polite or impolite way. Comic book writer and Toronto artist Keith Grachow hope to explore that aspect of the human imagination with the subject of their recently started Indiegogo campaign for Concrete Martians.

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Halloween… everyone can Cosplay

Halloween is that time of year where everyone can Cosplay. If you are nervous on showing up in costume at Fan Expo in front of 80,000 people, try Halloween first. If you show up at a Halloween party, be it a bar or house party, and there are other people dressed up in costume, nobody will even notice you or judge you (if that is something you are worried about). It is the first step in becoming a Cosplayer.

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Days of Future Past trailer reason enough for excitement

Let's chat about the faithfulness of comic book films to their source material. While I have been a stickler for continuity in the past, specifically with actual print/digital comics, I've been fairly lenient with film conversions save for situations like X-Men 3 and X-Men Origins: Wolverine--I counted more continuity gaffes in the opening 20 minutes of X-3 than I care to remember.

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Happy Halloween!

Halloween is my favourite holiday and I hope you are enjoying it as much as I do! Last weekend I was able to dress up and go out to the Silver Snail Halloween party. This is the first time I attended the Snail party and I will definitely go again. It took place at Andrew Richard Designs. I am usually pretty hardcore about my costume, so it was great to be around like minded people, it was like cosplay on steroids.

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Campaign of the Week: ‘Head Lopper 2’

If you like fun action romps with a hulking figure who swings a sword, MacLean has steeped your tea to perfection with this book. Describing the title as being influenced by Conan the Barbarian and the Clash of the Titans, this title seems perfect for fans of either film, while I would also say that if you like Jim Zub's Skullkicker series, you'll also enjoy this title. $8 or $20 contributions will get you both parts of MacLean's series, which is hardly a bad deal.

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Getting Crafty With Comics – Invitations

My son recently had a birthday and he wanted to have a "Marvel's Avengers" themed birthday. My wife headed over to the local "party store" to find all the Avengers merchandise we would need for the party. She picked up Avengers plates, Avengers napkins, Avengers table cloth... are you starting to see a pattern here?

When it came to the invitations, that's when she called me for help. We could buy 8 Avengers invitations for $8.99.

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Campaign of the Week: ‘The Rock Thrower’

Crowdfunding platforms provide the unique opportunity for creators to connect with comic book fans, bringing them together into one place to celebrate your idea. Many of the campaigns I've come across are fairly straight-forward, yet this week's featured campaign takes crowdfunding and the concept of fan-driven comics to another plateau, allowing fans to choose the Kickstarter special edition cover for The Rock Thrower, a baseball-centric graphic novel that brings two men of different cultural backgrounds together, bonded by an honest love for the game they cherish.

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Holy ’66 Batman!!!

Batman '66 is making a resurgent comeback too. It was several months ago when I noticed in Previews that there were action figures coming out based on the series. I am not a big DC toy collector, but my love of the series immediately piqued my interest in picking these up. I have been able to locate only Batman, Riddler and Penguin at regular retail, while I have found Joker, "Surfing" Batman and "The Dynamic Duo" at a specialty store.

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Marvel Previews finally free digitally

Beginning with the November 2013 issue Marvel Previews will be free for all in its digital form. Since it's a catalog that only makes sense, but Diamond has been charging all of us for years to see what's coming out soon by way its Diamond Previews magazine. A few years ago Marvel left Diamond Previews and began publishing its own glossy catalog but continued the practice of charging for it, which will still be the case for the print format.

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Toronto Based Projects

I am lucky enough to live in one of the biggest cities in Canada (Toronto) and because of this I have had the opportunity to meet some amazingly talented people. Recently, many of these people have been launching projects that I am amazed and very proud of them for. So, I thought instead of hoarding all the information I know about these projects, I would share some of them with you.

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