What’s so special about The Silver Age anyway?
There are many answers that can be given to the above question. I'm going to give you one answer. One answer that I am sure will be argued. One word. Consistency!
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
There are many answers that can be given to the above question. I'm going to give you one answer. One answer that I am sure will be argued. One word. Consistency!
Fast forward to now and you've all heard the news. The sequel to Man of Steel is going to include Batman (played by former "Daredevil" actor Ben Affleck). It will also feature Wonder Woman who will be portrayed by Gal Gadot. There are also rumours that the Arrow TV series may tie into Man of Steel 2, which will bring Arrow and The Flash into the fold. I have also heard of rumours that Nightwing may make an appearance too (this has been speculation with no confirmation... so don't shoot me).
It might seem like I have been playing a lot of video games lately, but mostly that is due to the release schedule of the video game industry. The majority of big titles hit the shelves during the fourth quarter to maximize profitability via the Christmas shopping season. After I had saved Gotham City in Batman: Arkham Origins I barely had time recharge my controller before diving into Lego Marvel Superheroes. A tough job, I know, but somebody has to do it.
Where Jack Kirby was explosive chaos, and John Romita beautiful women and great storytelling, nobody ever drew like Gene Colan. Before or since.
Gene's artwork moved with a graceful flowing motion. His characters looked like members of your family, or your friend's family. His mastery of light and shadow was exquisite in its flawless perspective.
Four stories written by four punk rockers and drawn by another one. What's not to like?
The Death of the Family storyline crossed over into Batman, Detective Comics, Batman and Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing, Catwoman, Teen Titans, Suicide Squad and Red Hood and the Outlaws. Each title had their star "Bat-Characters" match wits against the evil and diabolical Joker, whose ultimate plan was to get rid of Batman's allies, who in Joker's mind were weakening the Dark Knight and keeping him from being the hero that Gotham (and the Joker) desperately needs.
Now my Mom and Dad knew I had ordered some comics by mail order and weren't too pleased about it. They thought I spent $20, when in actuality I had spent $200 or so in US funds.
The package was about 10 inches high and had been strapped together between cardboard and wrapped again in brown wrapping paper. The corners were somewhat torn and slightly blunted but the contents were intact.
We have been living in the age of Marvel Now! for almost two years now. On the whole, Marvel Now! has been pretty successful. There have been some great books come out under the Marvel Now! banner. Most notably those have been Thor: God of Thunder, Indestructible Hulk, and Iron Man. These titles have changed the status-quo for the characters, and have been very entertaining comic books.
But, as luck would have it, I am more familiar with Men of Steel than muscle-bound posteriors so I find my family and friends asking me what I thought of the latest Thor movie (loved it), or whether or not I bought Superman stamps (of course). There is one other question that actually comes up quite often: how do I get back into comics?
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! Hotter than Cat Grant. He is…BIFF SOCKO!
A funny thing happened when I opened the package from Robert Bell containing the comic bags I ordered. There was a new updated price list from the one I received about 3 months earlier. Amazing Spider-Man #1 was now $40! It had doubled in value since the last list.
On Saturday November 16th, I had the honour and pleasure to be invited to the Niagara Falls Santa Claus parade. Pulp Comics in Niagara Falls had a spot in the parade and Stephanie and myself were invited to join them…
In the world of subscription indie comics, there are few deals as good Kat Verhoeven's Towerkind.
In 2012 a group of Canadian writers and artists came together with a single idea: promote Canadian comic books. Anchored by national talents like J. Torres, Andy Belanger, Adrian Alphona, J. Bone, Ramon Perez, Fred Kennedy, Adam Gorham, Agnes Garbowska, Scott Chantler, Faith Erin Hicks, Howard Wong and many, many more, this collective successfully gained backing for the first volume of True Patriot. The collection of short comics celebrated Canadiana, and now they've returned for a second tour as they recently kicked off their second crowdfunding effort on Kickstarter
It's safe to say without a shred of hesitation that Marvel has always been ahead of the curve in adapting its comic book properties into a film format; DC has never been able to match them quite simply. Where Marvel hit the ground running with Spider-Man and the X-Men well over a decade ago, DC continued to wallow in the apocalyptic aftermath of Batman and Robin. Where Marvel has produced a number of acclaimed films, DC is stuck with a collection of average to sub par to downright deplorably bad films, save for the Nolan trilogy.
Ok, ok, the title of this article is a bit misleading now that Marvel is owned by Disney .They aren’t trying to take over the world, but they are trying to keep you entertained to the max! In addition to the countless movies they have been pumping out, and the new Shield TV show which seems to be doing pretty well, they are looking to cover another media market, Netflix!
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! Hotter than Cat Grant. He is…BIFF SOCKO!
Spectacular Spider-Man #1, for those not familiar with it, was Marvel's first entry into not only a Spider-Man spin off, but in a B&W magazine format aimed at a more mature market.
Last week I wrote about spending the day at the latest edition of the Canadian ToyCon. I had a fascinating conversation with Roxy Lee and Gillian from www.geekxgirls.com. These ladies take the hobby of Cosplay to the next level. They are professional Cosplayers.
Know your business comic buyers….and you won’t get ripped off.