Category Columns

Review | Afterlife With Archie 1-4

I first heard about the new comic book series Afterlife with Archie at Fan Expo Vancouver, which took place last month. I never followed Archie comics very much but I was intrigued by the concept of a zombie apocalypse occurring in Archie’s world. I am also aware that this whole concept is gimmicky because it has already been done by Marvel and it has been done countless of times in other media. However, I did read some good press about Afterlife with Archie, so this convinced me to pick up the issues from my local comic book store.

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A break, A Decision And How I Collect

This past year has been a hectic one for me. Because of all the change in my life, some of my hobbies suffered and that includes comics. So, here I am, at the end of all the craziness and as my focus gets back to what it should be I, I have a lot of comics to catch up on. Not having a pull list at my local shop has done some damage, and now my hunt for the issues missing from my collection begins.

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Return to Zero

Back in the late 60's there really wasn't anyway to connect with you favorite comic book creators. The only glimpses you got were Stan Lee's Soapbox and you would perhaps glean something from the letters pages.

I can't remember which book it was, I am sure one of you will tell me, these pics appeared. Suddenly there were actual faces behind the people who created these stories that transported me to other realms. Grainy faces...but they were faces.

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FCBD @ Big B (and some cosplay too)

I spent Free Comic Book Day 2014 helping out Big B Comics in Barrie. The night before FCBD we were set up at the theatre in Barrie for Amazing Spider-Man 2. We had a table set up displaying all the comics that were available for pick-up the next day. Plus I was able to talk to the audience at each of the screens showing ASM2, to talk to them about FCBD. What it's about, and where they can join in on the action.

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Type and Lettering

Being the old guy that I am, I'm tempted to state that digital lettering is not as good as hand lettering, which is the typical response to change. The tools are definitely different, however, I believe the sensibility has actually greatly improved. Comic book lettering is a big part of comics but it is also highly under appreciated, with all the glory split between story and art. Anyone who has tried to design their own typeface can appreciate the incredible effort that it takes to create a set of letters that is visually appealing, legible and chiseled so that each form is optically balanced.

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Review: Amazing Spider-Man 2

The summer of superhero sequels rages on with Amazing Spider-Man 2. Personally, I would have pushed for the title Spectacular Spider-Man but, surprisingly, I was not involved in the making of this film for asked for my opinion at any juncture. Perhaps for the inevitable 3 entry into the series. Oh, and if you haven't seen it yet: spoiler alert and read no further.

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Interpreting Numbers

We’ve all heard the term “information age” and no where is this more true than the collector market. Armed with smart phones, buyers are able to access online resources and historical prices in order to gauge value. And when it comes to collectible back issues, the name of the game is to pick up books below market… or is it?

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IDW Submission by request

Recently I attended 1 of the 3 major annual Comic Cons in London. At the event I met Chris Ryall, the Chief Creative Officer/Editor-In-Chief at IDW.

I showed him my portfolio and he liked it very much. He then gave me his card and asked me to email him! He wanted to give me a ‘test assignment’ to see what kind of pencils I could produce.

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Barry Smith on the road to Windsor

Barry Smith is a rarity in comic book artists. His first work was X-Men # 53 and was very much like many artists who came into comics at that time, a student of Jack Kirby. This issue in and of itself is really remembered because it was Barry Smith's first work , not because of the Blastaar story it contained. He did a few short stories in Marvels' horror comics, Tower of Shadows, Chamber of Darkness, a three issue stint on Daredevil(#50 -52) and then came Kazar and ...Conan.

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Superman – Good Ol’ Farmboy

Superheroes come from all walks of life. There are millionaires and billionaires. There are scientists, geniuses and really smart people. There are soldiers, spies and former bad-asses who walk the thin line between right and wrong. There are also angst filled teenagers, and people with emerging powers trying to find the balance between being a hero and a normal person. But there is only one who I immediately think of who is a farmer... and that is Superman.

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