Category Columns

Show Time

This winter has been a real boon for comic book collectors with three one day shows in a row. I wish I could have participated all three shows but I was busy with exams. However, I did manage to squeeze…

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Christmas Gift Guide

It is that time of year again! The gingerbread lattes are out, the stores are playing Christmas Carols, and your local comic book shop has a myriad of gift ideas for the comic book fan on your list. 2014 has been a very solid year for comic books, so here, in no particular order, are some suggestions from yours truly.

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Full Moon Terror! Marvel Spotlight & Werewolf by Night

October wouldn't be complete if we didn't feature a scary Marvel super-hero in Arcs and Runs! Well yes it would, but it is Halloween and I just can't resist taking a peak at the horror genre in Marvel comics this month. The early seventies was the heyday for this genre with books like Tomb of Dracula, The Monster of Frankenstein, Man Thing, Ghost Rider, Son of Satan, and our featured character Werewolf by Night all getting a chance at their own comic series.

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Getting to Know Gotham

The tv screen is getting crowded with comic-related tv shows this season. Agents of Shield, Arrow, and the Walking Dead are already well-established shows, and The Flash just debuted this month on the CW network. I’m going to look at…

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Humble Bundle

Comic book fans love giving to charity. I have not seen a single convention in recent years were there wasn’t some component that allowed fans to donate money to a good cause. However, if you add some sweet swag to…

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