Category Knowing Is Half The Battle

Man of Steel 2… everyone except Aquaman!

Fast forward to now and you've all heard the news. The sequel to Man of Steel is going to include Batman (played by former "Daredevil" actor Ben Affleck). It will also feature Wonder Woman who will be portrayed by Gal Gadot. There are also rumours that the Arrow TV series may tie into Man of Steel 2, which will bring Arrow and The Flash into the fold. I have also heard of rumours that Nightwing may make an appearance too (this has been speculation with no confirmation... so don't shoot me).

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Death of the Family… bring your wallet!

The Death of the Family storyline crossed over into Batman, Detective Comics, Batman and Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing, Catwoman, Teen Titans, Suicide Squad and Red Hood and the Outlaws. Each title had their star "Bat-Characters" match wits against the evil and diabolical Joker, whose ultimate plan was to get rid of Batman's allies, who in Joker's mind were weakening the Dark Knight and keeping him from being the hero that Gotham (and the Joker) desperately needs.

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All New! Same Old!

We have been living in the age of Marvel Now! for almost two years now. On the whole, Marvel Now! has been pretty successful. There have been some great books come out under the Marvel Now! banner. Most notably those have been Thor: God of Thunder, Indestructible Hulk, and Iron Man. These titles have changed the status-quo for the characters, and have been very entertaining comic books.

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Professional Cosplay

Last week I wrote about spending the day at the latest edition of the Canadian ToyCon. I had a fascinating conversation with Roxy Lee and Gillian from These ladies take the hobby of Cosplay to the next level. They are professional Cosplayers.

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Halloween… everyone can Cosplay

Halloween is that time of year where everyone can Cosplay. If you are nervous on showing up in costume at Fan Expo in front of 80,000 people, try Halloween first. If you show up at a Halloween party, be it a bar or house party, and there are other people dressed up in costume, nobody will even notice you or judge you (if that is something you are worried about). It is the first step in becoming a Cosplayer.

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Getting Crafty With Comics – Invitations

My son recently had a birthday and he wanted to have a "Marvel's Avengers" themed birthday. My wife headed over to the local "party store" to find all the Avengers merchandise we would need for the party. She picked up Avengers plates, Avengers napkins, Avengers table cloth... are you starting to see a pattern here?

When it came to the invitations, that's when she called me for help. We could buy 8 Avengers invitations for $8.99.

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Holy ’66 Batman!!!

Batman '66 is making a resurgent comeback too. It was several months ago when I noticed in Previews that there were action figures coming out based on the series. I am not a big DC toy collector, but my love of the series immediately piqued my interest in picking these up. I have been able to locate only Batman, Riddler and Penguin at regular retail, while I have found Joker, "Surfing" Batman and "The Dynamic Duo" at a specialty store.

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