Category Just a Thought

80’s Toy Show

As many of you might recall, a few weeks ago I wrote a column about my toy buying habits.  Writing the column kind of re-awakened my love of toys and my interest in collections. For someone who buys comics, this…

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Much like Ed and Scott did this week, I’m kind of going off the beaten path of my regular comic book subjects… ok, I know I’ve spoken about pro wrestling a few times in here but that doesn’t count because…

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RIP Gene Colan

Another member of Marvel’s silver age bullpen has passed on as Gene Colan passed Friday morning. I’ve written about Colan before but it can’t be overstated how important his work was.  Long runs on both Daredevil and Doctor Strange will…

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A (Half) Week of Thoughts

So I'm trying something a little different this week.

I usually write the column in one shot and then go away for a few hours and come back and edit before setting it to post. This week, I'm going to write and add as the week goes on up until Wednesday night (regular posting time for me so the editors have time to make sure I'm doing an ok job).

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DC Reboot

Like you didn’t see this coming a mile a way. I’m writing this on Tuesday.  The day of the big DC announcement that they are rebooting the DC universe. 52 titles starting with a new Justice League #1 on August…

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