Category Jiminy Christmas!

Limited Fan Expo Coverage: No Big Deal

I don't believe Fan Expo needs or really wants any press coverage: they have 100,000 or more email addresses of people who attend their show. A built-in captive audience they can sell to whom they know like the product they offer. One free pass means one body in the show who didn't pay and is taking a spot in a packed convention centre that could have been occupied by a paying customer.

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Marvel Previews finally free digitally

Beginning with the November 2013 issue Marvel Previews will be free for all in its digital form. Since it's a catalog that only makes sense, but Diamond has been charging all of us for years to see what's coming out soon by way its Diamond Previews magazine. A few years ago Marvel left Diamond Previews and began publishing its own glossy catalog but continued the practice of charging for it, which will still be the case for the print format.

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