Category Forgotten Silver

Fun and Games

Sorry that it’s been a couple of months since my last column. It’s become increasingly difficult to make a living in Canada as a small business and we’ve been focusing on trying to make ends meet. This column is not…

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November ended up being a bit of a time warp. Tania and I caught RSV at Hal-Con and spent a couple of weeks recovering, only to get infected with Covid for the first time in the middle of the month.…

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Free Magic Tricks

I recently became acquainted with François Bourdages. Mr. Bourdages is one of the preeminent experts on bandes dessinées québécoises (BDQ), having previously curated a museum exhibit on the subject with historian Michel Viau in 2018 at the Musée POP in…

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Spectrum Addendum

Well, folks, I must say that I wasn’t expecting last month’s column, “A Spectrum Publications Checklist,” to receive such an enthusiastic response from readers. It obviously struck a chord. Quite a few people commented and numerous others contacted me privately…

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