Trailer Trash – Mega-City One
It’s 1995, I’m 13 years old and Sly Stallone is playing Judge Dredd at the movies. At the time, I’m sure this type of casting was fine in a cheese-on-toast comic book flick such as this, but looking back and…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
It’s 1995, I’m 13 years old and Sly Stallone is playing Judge Dredd at the movies. At the time, I’m sure this type of casting was fine in a cheese-on-toast comic book flick such as this, but looking back and…
The comics industry is a tough nut to crack for those who plan to squeeze inside it somehow. There’s no clear or obvious path towards a ‘job’ like there is in some industries. There’s no… “this much school”, “this degree”,…
Real life Superhero alert!… Remaining anonymous to protect his true identity, this ballsy British banker has declared his very own war on crime in England’s second city: Birmingham. This normal-looking English chap crunches numbers in a boring office by day.…
This weekend in Great Britain saw the celebration of the Queen’s 60th year on the throne in her Diamond Jubilee. London has once again been transformed into a stage for regal, royal subjects to parade, promenade, cascade through and dance…
How do we do things? Firstly, I buy the on-going monthly’s that I’m reading in print, obviously I do. I visit the comic shop every Wednesday like a kid on Christmas. I like the comic shop like a fat Englishman…
This weekend in ol’ Blighty saw the Kapow! comic convention role into town, boldly claiming the London Business Design Centre as its own for 2 full days in the capital’s North East. The show was much hyped online by the English…
I was going about my business yesterday lunchtime in the most normal way with a trip to Tesco’s for a £2.50 meal deal: a ploughman’s sandwich, a packet of prawn cocktail crisps and a Kit Kat. I then meandered over…
After the disappointing ‘non-event’ that was Free Comic Book Day in London, I’m now looking forward to a pleasing plethora of comic conventions happening across the UK in the month of May. An encouraging sign for an obviously healthy and…
I’d like to produce a book for Free Comic Book day next year. This obviously sounds ridiculous but, if I can find the money to support a medium sized print run (9000 books or more) – and provide these books…
Last week I picked up the much hyped and strangely British America’s got Powers (IMAGE) by TV funny man Jonathan Ross and newly freelance Bryan Hitch, whom actually celebrated his birthday on Sunday. I was lucky enough to pick up…
The first comic I ever bought was Batman Vs Judge Dredd from 2000AD in about 1994. I honestly wish I still had it, the art was beautiful and the story was cool enough to claim me as a comics guy…
With the next big event in the UK scene fast approaching, I thought it best to open the box on the ‘Kapow!’ ComicCon and break it into little nuggets of joy for all to nibble as they see fit. I…
Very simple this week. In the interests of feeling like a child again AND to feel a greater connection to the fictional, comic characters that occupy our mischievous minds on a daily basis, I’d like to pose a simple question……
It’s easy to compile a list of things we love about comics, it’s easy because we love them. There’s an undefined, miscellaneous feeling involved in reading comics… an x-factor. It feels cool somehow, as if there’s an unexplainable ‘comics-force’ available to tap…
Looking ahead to the not-so-distant Summer of Superheroes, It’s easy to feel excitement for the coming ‘events’ in comics… on printed pages, glowing screens and – in 3 dimensions in our periphery. As comics-people, we’re all waiting for the same things/events I…
With the final pages of my submission idea complete, it’s time to send my little ‘snowball’ off to Hell – and see what kind of impact it has on the fiery landscape that is graphic publishing. The end product is…
I was recently (and very kindly) given a gift-voucher for a comic shop. A perfect gift for a ‘comics guy’ since, it’s nice to pop along to the local comic shop with an (averaged sized) wedge of cash that you…
Furious and frantic comic antics this weekend in ol’ Blighty with the London Super Comic Convention taking over the hearts and minds of thousands of proud, nerdy Londoners, most of whom were dressed in full costume so… a lot of…
The Super Comic Convention will be taking over the Excel Centre in London’s Docklands this weekend with a good looking panel schedule and an interesting prize for the ‘hardcores’ in costume – meaning… a likely showing of well-dressed nerds in…
On a day when couples everywhere are cringing about having to forcibly act and behave romantically (dudes mainly) – singles everywhere are moaning about a distinct LACK of love, probably sitting at home alone in the foetal position, hugging their knees,…