Undervalued Spotlight #345
Magnus Robot Fighter #1, Gold Key, February 1963 A small stack of Gold Key’s came into the shop recently, the best book in the bunch was a beat up copy of this week’s Undervalued Spotlight pick Magnus Robot Fighter #1.…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A look at “undervalued” comics. See our Undervalued Spotlight Index for the complete 476 entries.
Magnus Robot Fighter #1, Gold Key, February 1963 A small stack of Gold Key’s came into the shop recently, the best book in the bunch was a beat up copy of this week’s Undervalued Spotlight pick Magnus Robot Fighter #1.…
All Top Comics #8, Fox Feature Syndicate, November 1947 It seems I’ve been neglecting the Golden Age of comics lately, only 2 of my last 19 posts have been devoted to what is probably the best hunting ground for undervalued…
Giant-Size Creatures #1, Marvel Comics, July 1974 Recently I did a small con and didn’t have a lot of room on my table. I had to lose some bins so out went the Sgt. Fury section, the Harvey Comics section,…
Strange Adventures #205, DC Comics, October 1967 The Silver Age has seen heavy speculation on all 1st appearances of note. Pure speculation can put strong upward pressure on prices as we rush to own these key issues before they “explode” in…
Batman Adventures #1 FCBD Edition, DC Comics, June 2003 Only a few more sleeps until Free Comic Book Day. Your local comic shop is the place to be this Saturday May 6th, they will be giving away a lot of…
Sensation Comics #20, DC Comics, August 1943 I was reading up on the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, lots of hype online and lots of general excitement. I thought I’d comb over some old Wonder Woman comics and see if I…
Forever People #1, DC Comics February/March 1971 This week’s Undervalued Spotlight shines on Jack Kirby’s seminal Forever People #1. I was drawn to Forever People #1 as I was reading about the online April fool’s joke that had Matt Damon…
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen #1, America’s Best Comics, March 1999 I think the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (LOEG) is one of the best ideas to come out of comics ever! That’s a big statement to make but I believe it…
Fantastic Four #232, Marvel Comics, July 1981 Our great little discussion over at my recent Auction Spotlight post heavily influenced this week’s Undervalued Spotlight pick, Fantastic Four #232. In the discussion commenters left opinions both in favor and against the…
House of Secrets #94, DC Comics, October/November 1971 Sadly Bernie Wrightson passed away March 18th, 2017 at the way too young age of 68. Mr. Wrightson was a true giant of the industry, his work helped define the Bronze Age…
Strange tales #111, Marvel Comics, August 1963 I was set up at a comic con this past weekend and had the pleasure of kicking back one evening with a few friends and a few too many drinks. One of the…
Action Comics #116, DC Comics, January 1948 We haven’t visited the early Golden Age in a while and when I came across this beauty I knew what I had to do. In long running titles collectors tend to focus on…
Fables #1, DC/Vertigo, July 2002 When I started working at the comic shop full time back in the 2003 I immediately set about trying to read as much new stuff as I could so I at least sounded like I…
Man from U.N.C.L.E. #7, Gold Key, July 1966 I’ve bought and sold a lot of comic books over the years and yet there are very few I regret selling. Yes, there was that nice tight Tales of Suspense #39 I…
Marvel Super-Heroes #13, Marvel Comics, March 1968 This Spotlight came to me while I was arguing with someone about who was the best female superhero at Marvel. I’m not saying Captain Marvel is but I am presently this week’s Undervalued…
Falling in Love #121, DC Comics, February 1971 Ahh, my favorite post of the year because I get to say, Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. I hope your day/year/life is filled with love. I honestly spend too much time on this…
Fantastic Four #113, Marvel Comics, August 1971 A few days ago I sorted all my Undervalued Spotlights alphabetically. I did this exercise to help me see if there were areas I was not adequately representing, the Spotlight mantra being all…
Wow am I ever embarrassed. I just wrote up my annual Valentines Undervalued Spotlight, and boy am I drained! I was about to post it when I realized that the Valentine’s post is next week not this week! I thought…
Marvel Spotlight #2, Marvel Comics, February 1972 This week’s Spotlight came to me while I was chatting with some friends about Sherlock Holmes. We were talking about the latest BBC TV episodes starring Benedict Cumberbatch (the Marvel Doc Strange). We…
Fantastic Four #12, Marvel Comics, March 1963 I was talking to a comic collector recently about the allure of those round 12 cent Marvels. We counted them up and came up with 45 super-hero Marvel comics that have them, remembering…