Undervalued Spotlight #442
X-Men #14, Marvel Comics, November 1965. Some X-Men books are enjoying some nice value appreciation lately so I thought I’d scour the catalog and find us a sleeper. I was never a big fan of the X-Men movies but there…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A look at “undervalued” comics. See our Undervalued Spotlight Index for the complete 476 entries.
X-Men #14, Marvel Comics, November 1965. Some X-Men books are enjoying some nice value appreciation lately so I thought I’d scour the catalog and find us a sleeper. I was never a big fan of the X-Men movies but there…
Tales of Suspense #40, Marvel Comics, April 1963. Its funny but my current Covered, 365 project really got me to thinking about this weeks Undervalued Spotlight, Tales of Suspense #40. Tales of Suspense #40 features the second appearance of Iron…
Star Wars: The Force Awakens #1, Marvel Comics, August 2016. My pal Chris is a life long Star Wars fan and him and I ended up talking about the 35 cent Star Wars #1 and how crazy the prices are…
New York World’s Fair 1939, DC Comics, April 1939. My pal Mike and I were talking Superman the other day, we’d just picked up a nice run of Sups from #1 to #11 almost complete to sell on our I.C.E.…
Fantastic Four Annual #1, Marvel Comics 1963. Ok here’s a first for Comic Book Daily (I think). After much deliberation I’ve decided to dust off Mike Huddleston’s old Overvalued Overstreet #14 featuring Fantastic Four Annual #1, which he posted almost…
Solar, Man of the Atom #3, Valiant Comics, November 1991. I was set up at the Toronto Comic Con this past weekend and enjoyed talking comics will all sorts of comic fans. Cons are a great opportunity to get out…
Sub-Mariner #8, Marvel Comics, December 1968. My buddy Dave and I were talking comics and were arguing about some of the toughest books to get in grade. We were being reasonable and talking late Silver and Bronze. I liked the…
Amazing Spider-Man #113, Marvel Comics, October 1972. I’ve been buying up a lot of collections these past couple months, I’m getting my convention season game on and am aggressively trying to hunt down and buy quality books for the bins.…
Dead of Night #11, Marvel Comics, August 1975. I just bought a nice little collection of late Silver Age to early Copper Age books with a lot of the key issues present. Luckily the guy liked his early Bronze Age…
Showcase #1, DC Comics, March/April 1956. DC’s Showcase comics run was an extremely important title that was instrumental in transitioning comics from the pre-code comic book free for all to the post code re-alignment that led back to an eventual…
True To Life Romances #11, Star Publications, May 1952. Happy Valentines Day everybody. This might be my favorite Spotlight of the year as it means I get to scour the deep and rich history of Romance Comics and pick one…
Amazing Spider-Man #42, Marvel Comics, November 1966. We have not had a Guest Spotlight in a while so I’m thankful for this submission from my pal Carey. I like this pick and Carey is informative and passionate in his arguments.…
Tales to Astonish #63, Marvel Comics, January 1965. Someone pointed out that I have not visited the Silver Age in a while. That same someone just picked up a CGC 8.5 Tales to Astonish #62 and was adamant that he…
Infinity Inc #14, DC Comics, May 1985. This week’s Spotlight came to me as a friend and I were debating Spotlight #427 which I posted 2 weeks ago. The argument went something like this – in this day and age…
Giant-Size Conan #1, Marvel Comics, September 1974. This week’s Undervalued Spotlight shines on Giant-Size Conan #1. Giant-Size Conan #1 features the first comic book appearance of Belit, the Shemite pirate known as the Queen of the Black Coast. Belit’s literary debut…
Tally-Ho Comics #nn, Swappers Quarterly, December 1944. My friend Christian was so excited about a recent comic he picked up that he had to call me and tell me all about it. At about the 8-minute mark, I was starting…
Krazy Komics #1, Timely Comics, July 1942. Happy New Year! I hope 2019 brings happiness, health and a few undervalued gems to everyone. This week’s Spotlight came to me when I read Marvel was doing Skrull Variant covers for their books…
Frisky Animals #52, Star Publications, December 1952. Merry Christmas to all those celebrating this festive day. While I don’t observe the 25th I always seem to find myself caught up in the season, enjoying the festive mood and savouring the…
Marvel Team-Up #62, Marvel Comics, October 1977. I’ve been spending waaay too much money buying gifts lately to even think about picking a big expensive book this week so I’d like to keep it light and fun AND leave Santa…
Detective Comics #153, DC Comics, November 1949. I was sorting through a pile of old Golden Age a while back and came across a rat chewed Detective Comics that for some reason made me do a double-take. It honestly took…