Sleepy Censors #11
No Sleepy Censor series would be complete without the classic Rifleman “Woody” cover from the good wholesome people at Dell Publishing
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
No Sleepy Censor series would be complete without the classic Rifleman “Woody” cover from the good wholesome people at Dell Publishing
A featured auction has just ended on ComicLink. Let’s have a look at some of the things that went down.
Convention Tip #7 – Network! Big, juicy delicious Comic Book Conventions don’t come to small towns. In fact you can probably count on both hands the number of really big important cons in North America
The Cover: Oh Superman, why won’t you stop beating up your teammates? Do they have battered wife syndrome where they keep coming back to you after they beat you up? You would be hard pressed to find a superhero who…
The Cover: Oh Superman, why won’t you stop beating up your teammates? Do they have battered wife syndrome where they keep coming back to you after they beat you up? You would be hard pressed to find a superhero who…
Funny Pages #6 is considered by Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide to represent the first appearance of the masked hero The Clock. Funny Picture Stories #1 shared the same release date of Nov/36 and features the first time The Clock is
Ka Zar of the Savage Land was sort of a cross between Tarzan and Conan. He was fighting savage beasts with his trusty Sabretooth cat Zabu in almost every issue that
The Cover: Looks like Superman has somehow gotten himself stranded on some kind of unusual planet where his powers don’t work…for the 100th time. But what’s different this time is that he’s attempting flight with some half-assed glider wings as…
How much do you pay for perfection. This week we'll look at a group of perfect CGC graded 10.0 comics and see if they sold for millions of dollars.
Convention Tip #6 - Security and Safety! Last week my convention tip was all about the benefits of bringing cash to the con. I’d like to follow up that tip with a few words on safety
It’s time for another week of comic insanity as it’s a X-Men themed week on Why are we thinking about this? Where do the X-Men get their clothes from? Ahh, the many colorful costumes of the X-Men are as varied…
If you look hard enough you will find some quality DC creations coming out of this era...
Let’s see how the market is treating some nice but lower grade comic books
This comic has become a cult classic. The “Pearl Necklace” issue always sells for multiples of guide at the conventions and on
Convention Tip #5. There are places though where cash is still king and a comic book convention is one of those...
Is this book the true start of the Silver Age? Is this book the catalyst that leads to the creation of the Fantastic Four?
DC used many sexually provocative covers during this era, especially on titles starring female characters...
The final price settled at $1,075,000.00 which technically is less than the Action #1 since there was a...
Convention Tip #4. Choose who you are going to the convention with wisely, based on your goals. I work the dealer side of the convention booth and its incredible the amount of stressful situations I’ve witnessed over the years
We all knew it was only a matter of time and on Monday February 22nd it finally happened