Undervalued Spotlight #35
Marvel Team-Up #22, Marvel Comics, June 1974 Spider-Man and Hawkeye team-up to take on Quasimodo! OK, I admit it’s not the kind of line up that would have had the kids running to the local variety store but other forces…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Marvel Team-Up #22, Marvel Comics, June 1974 Spider-Man and Hawkeye team-up to take on Quasimodo! OK, I admit it’s not the kind of line up that would have had the kids running to the local variety store but other forces…
The April Focused auction has just ended on ComicLink. It is being said that the Marvel keys are retreating in value a bit, escpecially in the mid grades. Let’s look at the results and find out for ourselves.
I remember back in the early 80s when the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide had those big 10 issue groupings for most of the major Golden, Silver and Bronze age comic book titles. Amazing Spider-Man issues #131-140 were all worth the same...
Dell Publishing had a longstanding agreement (since the late 30s) with Western Publishing to produce comic books based on properties that Western licensed from the likes of Disney, MGM, Warner Brothers, Hanna Barbera and others. This agreement was very lucrative for Dell and they fast became the largest comic book publisher. In 1962 Western Publishing decided to create their own comic imprint called Gold Key...
One of the toughest grades to get a handle on is the dreaded 6.5. The question is: Are you getting your money’s worth for the ½ grade improvement. Let’s use...
Jim Steranko’s first Marvel Comics work was Strange Tales #151. The high end Overstreet Price Guide value for this book is $135 versus $85 for the book just before and the book just after...
The Avengers were Marvel’s unchallenged super hero team for a full 8 years before their first real challengers appeared...
Ahhh. Archie comics in the 1960’s. The success of the Archie comics over the years had brought forth a number of spin-off titles to help satiate the hungry consumer’s need for wholesome, good-hearted family fun. And of course, what better way than to poke light at the romance between Betty and Archie.
It should be noted that of the 100 most expensive comics listed on eBay in the past 2 weeks only 13 actually sold. The percentage was even worse if you don’t count the ones that...
Comic book conventions are dangerous places for impulse buyers. You can end up heading home with a 50 cent comic or you could end up heading home with a 4 foot R2D2 replica, a gorgeous 42” x 38” framed painting of Phoenix, 3 short boxes full of CGC graded comics, 2 Samurai swords, a Viking sword and a 50 cent comic...
In my opinion Tales to Astonish #27 (Jan/62) is not one of the early Marvel Keys. “The Man in the Ant Hill” story featured the first appearance of Henry Pym but it was just another Sci-fi/fantasy story typical of the books Atlas Comics was producing at the time...
Auction Highlights #31 – Spidey Cross-Overs. Early Spidey cross-overs have always been in demand books. There’s been a few up for sale lately. Let’s see how they did.
It’s often said that the quickest way to learn anything is through the mistakes you make. Based on this old piece of wisdom I must be one heck of a smart guy.
It’s time for another week of comic insanity on Why are we thinking about this? Is Cyclops colorblind? Alright, so we know that Cyclops wears a ruby quartz visor all the time or else he blows the crap out of…
I’m not really sure if much needs to be said about this cover. Most of the reactions from anyone who sees this comic is: “What the heck’s Alf doin’ to that seal?!”
Wonder Woman, Storm, Supergirl, Batgirl, Emma Frost, She-Hulk, Phoenix, Dazzler and all the other female superheroes owe a lot to Shiera Sanders a.k.a. Hawkgirl...
There is massive comic collecting news out of New York. The ComicConnect auction site has sold the highest graded copy known of Action Comics #1 for...
Convention Tip #8. So, you’ve saved up some extra cash and you’re planning to attend the next big comic con. There are a few glaring holes on your list and you’re all fired up about checking those issues
It’s time for another week of comic insanity on Why are we thinking about this? How does Superman fly? So in the old days back at the origin of Superman, his powers weren’t as well developed as they are now.…
Charlton’s super hero dreams ended in the late 1960s with the cancellation of all their hero titles (Captain Atom, The Question, Peacemaker etc.). The company leaned heavily on licensed titles like The Flintstones and Jetsons to supplement their stable of War and Romance titles