Category Collecting Community

Good Times

December has always been kind to comic book shops, at least it has to the Big B shops over the years. Christmas and the holidays are in the air and gift-giving is on people’s minds. Luckily for comic shops, there…

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1942, the first full year of Canadian wartime comics, was a year of transition and expansion. Canada had been in the war for more than two years. 1941 had given us the birth of Canadian comics with comics from that…

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November Rains

I wonder if the yearly rhythms of the comic book marketplace create discernible patterns. Are November sales always slow? Is June the traditional point of the year where we see price gains? I know markets have general directions I’m just…

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Hey Boo Boo

Happy Halloween everybody. Please be careful driving today as there will be way too many kids out there trying to run off their sugar rushes. I’m getting lazy I think; a few years back we had a big Halloween push…

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The Correction

I’m almost finished with this very necessary project I started last week. I’m going though all the CGC-graded comics on ICE Collectibles that belong to our three largest consignors by volume of listings (including Big B) and I’m making price…

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Mixed Signals

Happy Equinox to our Druids friends; I hope your narrow pathways fill with light. Did everybody see that CGC 6.0 Action Comics #1 sold for $3.4 million? It was a private sale through the Goldin Auctions website and it bettered…

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