Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Category Collecting Community
Atlas Comics to Rise Again
Undervalued Spotlight #54
Crazy Comic Covers: World’s Finest #174: The Double Death-Wish
The Cover: Well, it looks like Batman and Superman are begging to be killed because they have some kind of super-secret plan to escape their situation or they have realized that they are in love with each other and since…
Collecting and Investing Tips #44
Undervalued Spotlight #53
Auction Highlights #43 – ComicLink August
Undervalued Spotlight #52
Why are we thinking of this? #10
Terribly sorry for the large intervals between articles but I’ve been held captive by Dr Doom, much like the Scarlet Witch in Avengers Children Crusade! Why doesn’t the Asbestos Man have cancer yet? Professor Orson Karloff was one of the…
Fan Expo 2010 Day Three: Out With A Bang
Fan Expo 2010 is done for me. None of my Sunday goals were reached and the show remained packed; no last day slow down. It’s solid for the retailers but as a buyer I like bargain hunting at the end…
Fan Expo 2010 Day Two: Art who?
Saturday at Fan Expo was crazier than usual: the crowds were so intense all afternoon there was a long line waiting to get in. If only the deals were that crazy… I dedicated the day to getting various hardcovers signed.…
Fan Expo 2010 Day One: Art and Hardcovers
Fan Expo 2010 started today at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The early bird package had a 2:00 PM entrance and there were hundreds lined up to get in: I’ve never seen a crowd that large buying a premium VIP…
Undervalued Spotlight #51
Bound Together | Captain America The Classic Years
In 1989 Marvel decided to give some Joe Simon and Jack Kirby works the deluxe treatment in the form of hardcover reprints. The Fighting American, Captain America and Boys Ranch were reprinted as hardcover volumes outside of the Marvel Masterworks…
Undervalued Spotlight #50
Undervalued Spotlight #49
Auction Highlights #42 – ComicLink
Undervalued Spotlight #48
Why are we thinking about this? #9
Apologies for the hiatus but we’re backing with another mindnumbing installment of Why are we thinking about this? What happens to size-changing superheroes that eat before size alterations? In Marc Millar’s Ultimates, it is specifically stated by the Wasp to…
Bound Together | Longmeadow Press DC Collections
It was 1989 and DC comics was celebrating the 50th anniversary of Batman. They had started slowly publishing reprint material in softcover trade paperbacks but hardcover editions were left to Warner Books, Graphitti Designs and with these volumes Longmeadow Press.…