Category Collecting Community

A Case for the Bronze Age

Would you be shocked if I told you this collection has experienced a devastating loss in market value over the last two years? In late 2009 a collection of key Bronze Age titles (list below) would have been worth approximately $65,000. Using the latest auction data, this collection would be worth around $36,000 today. A stunning 45% drop.

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Black Panther 529

Oh look, a Batman cover from Francesco Francavilla in that retro pulp style of his.  Very nice.  What’s that?  It’s a Black Panther cover for issue 529?  Wow: DC, get that lawyer patrol on the case. And why is Black…

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More Than Tracing

I assume that most comic book fans have seen the Kevin Smith movie Chasing Amy.  Basically it’s about Ben Affleck chasing after a girl.  What makes it relevant to comic book fans is Ben Affleck’s character is a comic book…

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Marvel Layoffs

Last week the Twitter-verse was all a twitter about Marvel laying off 15 staffers.  I found one news blog about the financial situation of Marvel and the working conditions there. To tell the truth I was shocked of what I read.…

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about Catwoman

Last week a picture of Anne Hathaway’s costume was posted on our Facebook page.  The question was asked “What do you think?” When I saw the picture, I wasn’t blown away by it (even though Anne Hathaway is beautiful).  It…

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