Undervalued Spotlight #150
Daring Love #1, Gilmour Magazines (Sept/Oct 1953) Look at that cover! Careful kids, you might start a fire! It’s at moments like this that I wish I was a poet so that I could convey the power of love via…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Daring Love #1, Gilmour Magazines (Sept/Oct 1953) Look at that cover! Careful kids, you might start a fire! It’s at moments like this that I wish I was a poet so that I could convey the power of love via…
A fantastic look at a period in a creator’s career, Judge Dredd: The Complete Brian Bolland is a must-have for fans of this artist. This luscious, oversized hardcover volume collects as many Brian Bolland-illustrated Judge Dredd stories as THE LAW*…
There’s been a lot of talk and buzz online recently about Moebius and the dearth of English translated material, even a Facebook petition. Anything he collaborated on with Jodorowsky makes its way through Humanoids but the rest is languishing. Most…
Jackpot Comics #4, MLJ Magazines (Spring 1942) I’m not sure how I let this one go for so long. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been on a bit of an Archie kid lately? Anyway, this comic book is currently very undervalued.…
Brok Windsor was a relatively late comer to the WECA period. He debuted in Canada’s West Coast Publisher’s (Maple Leaf’ Publications) Better Comics Vol. 3 NO. 3 from April/May 1944, just over half-way through this Golden Age of Canadian Comics. Brok…
Fantastic Four #13, Marvel Comics (April 1963) April 1963 was a good month for Marvel Comics, Iron Man was introduced, the Amazing Spider-Man title was fired up and in Fantastic Four #13 the Watcher was introduced. In FF #13 we…
Auction Highlights #75, Comic Link January Focused Auction The Comic Link Focused Auction has just ended, all results below ended between Tuesday January 22nd and Friday January 25th. There were no big money books offered up on this auction; ComicLink…
Here’s a WECA splash mystery. Dave Sim was kind enough to send me copies of WECA related material from issue 2 of Now and Then Times as well as digital copies of his early seventies fanzine called Comic Art News…
Night Nurse #1, Marvel Comics (November 1972) Back in 1972 Marvel Editor Roy Thomas made some very bold (for that industry, at that time) moves. He launched 3 new titles all starring female characters. The story goes that Stan Lee…
Collecting the first nine issues of the 1990 series, Namor Visionaries: John Byrne Volume 1 is an interesting look back at a minor character’s chance to star again. Namor, the Sub-Mariner! The world’s first mutant! King of Atlantis! See one…
Looking back at Canada’s First Age of Comics, the WECA period (1941-6), we find that it never produced a team of superheroes like the JSA/JLA, The Avengers, The Mighty Crusaders, or Alpha Flight. Among the three “big” publishers we find…
Justice League of America #200, DC Comics (March 1982) The Justice League has been a hot property since Justice League #1 launched DC’s New 52 back in August of 2011. The title has stayed hot and it can only get…
An interesting spin on what we know of space exploration, The Chimpanzee Complex Volume 1: Paradox is an engaging look at humanity and the desire to achieve. In 2035, the US Navy discovers a strange space capsule that has crashed…
The latest in Bryan Talbot’s anthropomorphic steam punk epic, Grandville Bete Noire takes the familiar mystery framework and turns it on its ear, in a good way. The baffling murder of a famed Parisian artist in his locked and guarded…
Hockey is back!! In appreciation of this, I want to share a relevant WECA splash. It’s a good thing that comics can’t be prorogued or locked out, but, in a way, maybe that’s what happened to American comics when Canada’s…
A stunning blend of word and illustration, Sergio Toppi elevates the comic art form in Sharaz-De: Tales From The Arabian Nights. A set of tales inspired by the Arabian Nights by the late European comics master Sergio Toppi, exploring a…
Eat This Not That is a popular column in Men’s Health magazine. The authors of the column compare two menu items found in popular restaurants and highlight the nutritionally superior alternative. Now, when I say “nutritionally superior” it’s with a…
A unique tale of action, black comedy and mystery, Humanoids brings English speaking audiences Philippe Riche’s The Alliance Of The Curious. Three antique dealers team up to work on the most bizarre and obscure of cases. Their current investigation begins…
As is well-known now, the War Exchange Conservation Act (WECA) enacted on Dec. 6, 1940 stopped all American comics from coming into Canada. Canadian entrepreneurs took advantage of this vacuum and produced the first Canadian comic age with the appearance…
This Week’s Undervalued Spotlight comes from Mike Huddleston. This spotlight ranks up there as one of my favorites! Mikes knowledge and passion shine through, his arguments are sound, his judgments just. This spotlight has inspired me to try to be…