Category Collecting Community

Undervalued Spotlight #183

Marvel Treasury Edition #13 was actually the 3rd Marvel Treasury holiday grab bag. Yes in 1974 Marvel released the 1st called Marvel Treasury Special Giant Superhero Grab Bag. That 1st release has my least favorite cover. Look at it! Where’s the Christmas spirit fellas? Actually the issue feels rushed, like someone at the House of Ideas had the good idea in late November. Inside you got a table of contents page highlighting the reprints included.

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A Whites Christmas

Think back, even imagine, a time before our internet brains, before even our TV brains... when things inside our heads were much quieter and much clearer. Think back to the time of the Canadian Whites when tension came not from a barrage of digital and video bits streamed into our cortex but from a sustained home front war effort. Imagination didn’t have its dots connected with computer generated imagery. Here’s a war era imagination machine.

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ComicConnect December 2013 Event Auction Original Art

Another auction wrap up for ComicConnect, with the first of five sessions being original art that closed on Monday night. Unfortunately ComicConnect doesn't seem to provide browsing of items after the auction has closed so it's hard to see a solid recap of all activities, but you can save items in a Watch List. Some interesting items came up, and I've featured six below for discussion.

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Undervalued Spotlight #181

Question: What is the single most valuable comic book of last 45 years? Walking Dead #1? 1st appearance of Deadpool? Venom?

Nope, it’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1, first printing. Even the first appearance of Wolverine can't match the rarity of TMNT #1… the latest CGC census shows 6234 graded copies of Hulk #181 compared to TMNT #1’s 475 graded copies. Suffice to say it’s an ultra rare book. With a new movie on the horizon, and a new generation of Turtlemania, this could be the time to invest in this blue chip.

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ComicLink December 2013 Featured Auction Original Art

Another hot auction ended this week with ComicLink's November 2013 Featured Auction, our focus here on their original art. A reoccuring pattern seems to be emerging: Ditko Spider-Man pages command the highest bids, followed by Kirby early Marvels and then everything else.

A lot of bargains to be had for those with an eye to the long term investment. As always a few items caught my eye and six are discussed below. Please chime in with your comments.

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Masked Marvels

One great result of having a forum to make posts about WECA comics is that the readers can make corrections and cleanups of what I’ve written as well as offer new information that can fill in essential blanks, see my post from two weeks ago for example. Here are a couple more “blanks” for you all.

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Lazare: The Orphan Strips

Some of the most interesting Lazare creations are the orphan “left-overs,” those stories that were one-shot “try-outs” or “fillers” and there were eight of these. The first three were in consecutive issues of Triumph Comics Nos. 20-22 which is a Bell title for which Lazare never did a feature character.

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