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Undervalued Spotlight #248

Thor #134 Marvel Comics November 1966. The Undervalued Spotlight has landed once more on the great Kirby /Lee run (issue #126- 177) of the Thor title. Thor is as popular today as he/she has been at any point in his /her existence. There are lots of great books in this run and today’s spotlight is one of them featuring the first appearance of the High Evolutionary.

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Undervalued Spotlight #242

It’s been 13 Spotlights since I last featured a Golden Age book and if I do anything here on the Spotlight it's spread it around. This week I’d like to feature The Funnies #45 as my Undervalued Spotlight. The Funnies #45 is actually a historically significant book, it features the 1st appearance of Phantasmo who is Dell Publishing’s 1st ever superhero.

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