Overvalued Overstreet | Photo Covers and Pat Boone 1-5
Today we will take a look at one of my least favorite genres of comic collecting – the photo cover comic. Who am I kidding? I think they are the worst. I would say I hate them but “hate” is…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Today we will take a look at one of my least favorite genres of comic collecting – the photo cover comic. Who am I kidding? I think they are the worst. I would say I hate them but “hate” is…
Superman #100 DC Comics September/October 1955. In today’s Undervalued Spotlight we venture back in time to one of the bleakest periods in the super-hero comic book genre. The year is 1955 and the Golden age of comic books is winding…
Detective Comics #300, DC Comics, February 1962 I can explain. Last week I posted the 300th Undervalued Spotlight but purposely didn’t pick an issue #300 because I thought that a little predictable. That decision came to me after I had…
Cerebus the Aardvark, Aardvark-Vanaheim, December 1977 The 300th Undervalued Spotlight! I thought this one through a bit and have decided to break with the tradition of picking a 300th issue (as I did with Spotlight #100 and Spotlight #200). This week’s Undervalued…
Introducing the world’s first comic book super hero, predating Superman by almost four years. Created by the legendary Lee Falk (creator of the Phantom) and drawn by Phil Davis, Mandrake the Magician and his ever-trusty man-servant, Lothar, first appeared to…
Wonder Woman, Volume 2, #19, DC Comics, August 1988 A while back Carey graced us with a solid Guest Spotlight pick in Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #9. It was a solid pick and it was actually only one of two…
Fuddle Duddle #4, JRD Publishing, December 1971 Happy Birthday Canada! As far as countries go we’re just a kid, 149 years young with our best still ahead of us. Did you know that Canada is a world superpower at creating…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time Innovation Christmas Is-For-Giving Book, Christmas 1990. So many forgotten titles: Maze Agency, Cyberpunk, Justice Machine, Hero Alliance.The Vampire LeStat. Make special note of page 9’s solicitation for Comics On Disk…
Thunderbolt #1, Charlton Comics, January 1966 Alan Moore’s old Watchmen comics from the 1980’s are heating up. The big fuss is that DC Comics is bringing the Watchmen into the DC Universe continuity. It looks like Dr. Manhattan will play…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time Marvel Spotlight May 1993. Warlock Chronicles, 2099 Unlimited, plus a glow in the dark Ghost Rider cover!
New Avengers #7, Marvel Comics, July 2005 A few months back, right before the new Captain America movie hit, I considered Civil War #1 (July 2006) as an Undervalued Spotlight candidate but for some unknown reason I decided against it.…
This week’s Overvalued Overstreet points at the 35 cent price variant Star Wars #1, a book that has proven me wrong on every turn for a good 5 years running. I know I’ve covered it a few times over on…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time DC Direct Currents 90 August 1995. This is the last DC Direct Currents in this comic sized free giveaway format. What a month: John Byrne’s Wonder Woman and Robinson and Smith’s The Golden…
Captain America Vol. 5 #11 Time for another great Guest Spotlight from the indomitable lion that is Mike Huddleston. Mike’s on his way out to the east coast of Canada for some fishing; my bet is he’s got a secret stash…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time DC Direct Currents 89 August 1995. While still a flip book Direct Currents has become a glossy colour magazine in comic size. Most striking is DC’s online push via America Online and monthly…
Freelance Vol. 3 #33, Anglo American, August/September 1946 It’s been a while since I shone the Spotlight on a “Canadian White” and it took a really cool happening to make me realize my oversight and allow me to set things…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time DC Direct Currents 88 July 1995. Direct Currents continues as a flip book, with DC on one side and Vertigo on the other. This is the last month of this design.
Power Man #24, Marvel Comics, April 1975 I was pricing some comics for an upcoming Con and came across a nice tight Black Goliath #1. I wasn’t sure how to price it because I knew the Guide was a bit…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time DC Direct Currents 87 June 1995. At this point Direct Currents is a flip book, with DC on one side and Vertigo on the other.
Boy Comics #9, Lev Gleason, April 1943 It seems I haven’t posted a 1940s comic in almost a year. Considering my opinion that the 1940s are the largest reservoir of yet “undiscovered” gems this is certainly an oversight I’d like…