Undervalued Spotlight #427
Tally-Ho Comics #nn, Swappers Quarterly, December 1944. My friend Christian was so excited about a recent comic he picked up that he had to call me and tell me all about it. At about the 8-minute mark, I was starting…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Tally-Ho Comics #nn, Swappers Quarterly, December 1944. My friend Christian was so excited about a recent comic he picked up that he had to call me and tell me all about it. At about the 8-minute mark, I was starting…
The early post-war period was one of turmoil for publishers of Canadian comics. Montreal’s Educational Projects didn’t even make it into 1946. The last issue of Canadian Heroes carried the cover date of October 1945. The reasons why Educational Projects…
Krazy Komics #1, Timely Comics, July 1942. Happy New Year! I hope 2019 brings happiness, health and a few undervalued gems to everyone. This week’s Spotlight came to me when I read Marvel was doing Skrull Variant covers for their books…
Frisky Animals #52, Star Publications, December 1952. Merry Christmas to all those celebrating this festive day. While I don’t observe the 25th I always seem to find myself caught up in the season, enjoying the festive mood and savouring the…
The epic seven-days-a-week sagas begin with “Han Solo at Stars’ End,” based on novel by Brian Daley, adapted by Archie Goodwin and Alfredo Alcala, followed by seven complete adventures by the storied team of Archie Goodwin and artist Al Williamson.…
Marvel Team-Up #62, Marvel Comics, October 1977. I’ve been spending waaay too much money buying gifts lately to even think about picking a big expensive book this week so I’d like to keep it light and fun AND leave Santa…
Detective Comics #153, DC Comics, November 1949. I was sorting through a pile of old Golden Age a while back and came across a rat chewed Detective Comics that for some reason made me do a double-take. It honestly took…
Titan has had a solid run of Dare Dare hardcover collections: fifteen to date over the last fourteen years. Dan Dare Complete Collection: The Venus Campaign was released this month, collecting the first three Dan Dare collections. The big selling…
Yellow Claw #1, Atlas Comics, October 1956. News came out this week of some potential movie plans for Shang-Chi the Master of Kung Fu so I tried to pick a book that could benefit from this. I didn’t want to…
By now, a lot more of us know that there were two eras to the Canadian Golden Age of comics. In the U.S., the measure of the Golden Age extends from Action 1 in 1938 to about Showcase 3 in…
Captain America Annual #8, Marvel Comics, September 1986. The Copper Age is full of books that are still easily accessible, that can still deliver great value and that still have strong potential. It’s been a while since we did a…
Strange Adventure #9, DC Comics, June 1951. A friend of mine recently sent me pics of a very cool book he’d just picked up. It was a solid mid-grade copy of a book I used to have and it made…
At sixteen, Princess Charlotte falls in love with an Austrian archduke, Maximilian of the House of Habsburg. Soon enough, she finds herself enmeshed in the cruel and unpredictable world of international diplomacy as her marriage founders. Increasingly shrewd, naïveté and…
Fantastic Four #10, Marvel Comics, January 1963. Stan Lee passed away yesterday, Monday, November 12th, 2018. My condolences to Mr. Lee’s family and friends. I’ll always remember where I was when I heard of Stan Lee’s death, I’ll also remember the…
It’s 1537. Deep in the lost mountains of Jura, a group of fanatical Catholic mountain people track a young Protestant and his guide. Big mistake. The latter is no other than the ex master-at-arms of Francois I, Hans Stalhoffer. After…
Two-Fisted Tales #35, EC Comics, October 1953. Sometimes the weirdest things lead me to a spotlight pick. I’ll often try to think of a good pick for the moment, be it a Valentine-themed pick or a Christmas-themed one, I’ve even…
The Comic Link auctions have been, perhaps, the primary source for obtaining Canadian wartime comics (WECA comics) over the last half-dozen years. 2017 offered up a comparative glut of these hard-to-find books with just over 180 of them being made…
Adventures of the Fly #4, Archie Publications, January 1960. This week I’m turning things over to 1st time guest Spotlight writer Steven. Steven has been supporting the Spotlight for a while now and was kind enough to send me a…
Today I am shining the Overvalued Overstreet spotlight on one of my favourite Amazing Spider-Man Ditko covers, and the Green Goblin’s third appearance. It is an early Spider-Man; however, Overstreet does have this book overvalued to the current market. Let’s…
Sub-Mariner #13, Timely Comics, Spring 1944. On a recent post convention dinner we were debating what the best covers of each “age” were. For this Spotlight post we’ll focus on our “Golden Age” argument. Some great books were put forth…