Undervalued Spotlight #467
X-Men #35, Marvel Comics, August 1967. I was reading something about Warren Buffet and the way he bought stocks, it was all about finding quality and value. I thought I’d try Mr. Buffet’s technique to see if I can weed…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
X-Men #35, Marvel Comics, August 1967. I was reading something about Warren Buffet and the way he bought stocks, it was all about finding quality and value. I thought I’d try Mr. Buffet’s technique to see if I can weed…
“Daddy” Warbucks takes a new wife, Annie’s in the clutches of the Sisters of Suppression, and the spunkiest kid in America is destined for adventures in Cosmic City. Containing every daily and Sunday strip from January, 1932 through July, 1933,…
World’s Finest #34, DC Comics, May/June 1948. It was nice seeing one of my comic pals Warren up at the shop this past weekend. The man always has a positive outlook on things which is very refreshing. Warren asked when…
Tomb Of Dracula #18, Marvel Comics, March 1974. Man the pants I was sporting to school in 1974, light blue with heavily checkered dark blue overlays. I remember it was the summer of 1975 when I got my first pair…
Sorry guys, I started it tonight but couldn’t finish, lets blame the Tri-City Comic Con this past weekend and lets blame some paperwork I needed to do tonight, lets just not blame me though I am to blame in this…
Tales to Astonish #27, Marvel Comics, January 1962. I was talking to someone recently about how stale the big Marvel Keys have been lately. Stale can be a good thing, especially if you’re in the market to buy. So what…
I remember Gerry Lazare telling me that it took Fred Kelly over a year of having his art repeatedly critiqued and rejected by Bell Features’ Art Director Adrian Dingle before Dingle allowed one of Kelly’s stories to be published. Well,…
Batman #97, DC Comics, February 1956. We were talking up the new Joker movie at the shop a few days ago, there seems to be good hype around the upcoming release so I challenged myself to dig out a Joker…
Avengers #80, Marvel Comics, September 1970. Avengers #80 features the first appearance of Red Wolf, a Native American hero with mystic powers, and his wolf companion Lobo. William Talltrees, son of Cheyenne tribal leader Thomas Talltrees, was the first Red…
Marvel Premiere #3, Marvel Comics, July 1972. Someone was talking the other day of a strong sales result of a nice copy of Strange Tales #110, the book that features the first appearance of Doctor Strange. I’ve noticed the book…
Presenting the second in a seven-volume library of works by master illustrator Sergio Toppi. The second volume, North America, contains eleven tales of folklore set in historical periods within the early United States, Canada, and Alaska, all presented in English…
Bunny #12, Harvey, November 1969. I was at Fan Expo in Toronto over the weekend and was visiting a dealer pal from Winnipeg at his booth. As we were chatting he says “hey Walt I have a Spotlight pick for…
Atom Vercorian is trying to make it as a private detective in post-war Paris, and he just needs that one big case to make a name for himself. His father, a police detective, isn’t making any headway in the case…
Justice League Of America #21, DC Comics, 1963. We were talking big comic book events at the shop recently, as a shopkeep I like the high profile, well-executed ones as they tend to bring good business. Anytime we have discussions…
One-shots are outliers in this wonderful hobby of ours and there are many reasons for their existence. Some are compendiums that gather together a number of features around a given character or theme. Some are ash-cans that are most often…
Action Comics #19, DC Comics, December 1939. This week’s Undervalued Spotlight came about because of an argument over Superman #2. A friend of mine, and a comic book nut, was arguing that Superman #2 should be featured on the Spotlight…
Now with Sundays in color for the first time in more than 75 years. The action never stops as Annie gets shipwrecked with Spike Marlin. Then the Depression and rival businessmen wreck “Daddy” Warbucks’s empire, leaving him broke and ruined.…
Amazing Spider-Man #129, Marvel Comics, February 1974. I’d like to come right out and introduce Amazing Spider-Man #129 as this week’s Undervalued Spotlight. Amazing Spider-Man #129 famously features the first appearance of the Punisher, the book also features the first…
Avengers: The Initiative Annual #1, Marvel Comics, 2007. Vacation week for me so I thought I’d throw in a nice light bite-sized pick to help keep the holiday pounds off me. We were talking about Marvel’s Secret Invasion mini-series at…
Superman: Red Son #1, DC Comics, 2003. I remember back in 2003 at the Wizard World Chicago Con, I scoured the con and bought up every copy I could find of this week’s Undervalued Spotlight, Superman: Red Son #1. Red…