Time Capsule: Marvel Requirer 1, March 1990
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: Marvel Requirer 1, March 1990.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Collecting the collected. This column has moved to eBabble.
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: Marvel Requirer 1, March 1990.
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: First Edition 67, March 1988.
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: First Edition 66, February 1988.
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: First Edition 64, December 1987. Thick paper stock, single colour, folded over three times to standard comic size. This was my first issue but by number 64 First Edition was…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: Comico Attractions 17, 1989.
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: Comico Attractions 15, 1988. Comico Christmas Special by practically every working artist and Gumby’s Winter Fun Special by Arthur Adams. Plus an Adam Hughes cover.
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: Comico Attractions 13, 1988. Early Adam Kubert and announcing “new-comer” Adam Hughes as penciler on the upcoming Maze Agency.
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: Comico Attractions 11, 1988.
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: Comico Attractions 9, 1987. A slick printed fold-over solicitation from Comico featuring a full colour mini-poster cover. What amazing books: Space Ghost with Steve Rude art, Night And The Enemy graphic…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: Dark Horse Insider December 1990. An interesting feature and photo for Retailer Of The Month for Jim Hanley and his New York store. More European comics and the introduction of…
Through some Amazon “fishing” a new line of Artist’s Edition style books have been uncovered, Fantagraphics Studio Edition. First up will be Hal Foster’s Prince Valiant. Here’s the catalog entry courtesy of Jacq Cohen, with the text following. FANTAGRAPHICS STUDIO…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: Dark Horse Insider August 1990. Amazing how much foreign material Dark Horse was publishing, plus their licensing deals.
An excellent overview of a fruitful career, The Art Of Robert E. McGinnis delivers on extensive images and to-the-point information. Painter Robert McGinnis has earned international renown as a master illustrator by creating poster art for such movies as Breakfast…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: Dark Horse Insider January 1990. Not sure what was going on at the time but repeated slams against Gary Groth and Amazing Heroes makes you wonder. Give Me Liberty, Hard…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: Dark Horse Insider September 1989. Dark Horse Insider was the publisher’s second newsletter and was eight pages of news and solicitations printed on newsprint. They made it desirable by running…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: DC Releases July ’86. Cover spotlight on Graphic Novel #7: Metalzoic, by Pat Mills and Kevin O’Neill. Interior highlight on Son Of Ambush Bug: man did they flog this line every…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: DC Releases June ’86. Cover spotlight on The Blue Beetle, with interior emphasis on Star Trek, Elvira’s House Of Mystery and Blue Devil. I spotted The Legend Of Wonder Woman issue…
A continued look at pre-internet publisher’s comics solicitations, this time: DC Releases Feb ’86. Booster Gold graces the cover, with interior emphasis on Ambush Bug, Aquaman mini-series by Neal Ponzer and Craig Hamilton, and the final issue of Wonder Woman…
While cleaning out my comic library I came across a substantial amount of old comics solicitations from DC, Marvel, Comico, First, Dark Horse, Valiant, and more. In the old days before the internet the only way to know what new…